Decoding the Merits of MEAN Tech Stack for Your Organization

This decade has witnessed numerous shifts in the technological domain resulting in quick and sustainable advancement. One of such advancements in the arena of technology is the MEAN tech stack which resonates with a pioneering version of web development. 

Being an abbreviation of MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, and Node.js, MEAN stack stands to synergize these components and make them easy to use for developers. Many of the brands or companies that we know today have used MEAN stack for seamless development, quick speed, user convenience, and performance enhancement. A few of such names are Gmail, Netflix, Forbes, YouTube, LinkedIn, PayPal, and The Weather Channel. 

8 Details That Make Angular the Favorite Web Development Framework

Angular is a popular web development tool that gained momentum over the past few years. It is one of the most acceptable JavaScript frameworks that Google created back in 2009 to assist web development. This tool aimed to make front-end development much simpler and more accessible for the development company. 

Many top companies like Netflix, PayPal, Upwork, and similar reputed brands are using this framework. Angular also ranked the third most frequently used technology in 2020, after NodeJS. 

AngularJS Vs. ReactJS Vs. VueJS: A Detailed Comparison

Choosing the best technology for web development is a fundamental pillar for every business. But the process becomes sucking when you have to choose between the leading technologies like AngularJS, React JS, and Vue.js. All three differ only by their release date and their features.

From startups to ISVs, all are confused about choosing the right technology for their project. Be it Angular, React, or Vue.js, all have created a lot of buzz in the market and enjoy excellent community support. 

JSON Web Auth Using Angular 8 And NodeJS

What are JSON Web Tokens?

JSON Web Token is an open standard or RFC Standard (Request for Comments). It comprises a best-practice set of methodologies that describes a compact and autonomous way for securely transmitting information between parties as a JSON object. This information is digitally signed or encrypted, and hence it can be simply verified and trusted. For this purpose, a secret key such as an HMAC algorithm is set, or a public/private key pair is generated using RSA or ECDSA.

Why are JSON Web Tokens Useful?

JWT offers the most secure way for authenticating the integrity of the exchange of information between the client and the server. It is adapted for verification so, in the case of any violation or breach, the token will not verify or expire based on time.

8 Reasons To Opt for Angular.JS in The Development Process

Angular.JS is a well-known platform to develop dynamic web applications. It helps to build interactive and feature-rich websites for the users.  However, this framework supports Single Page web apps and MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture. It is considered as the most preferred platform for the developers and delivers enterprise profitability. 

Learn about Angular.JS

Angular.JS is a JavaScript framework and written in Javascript language only. It helps to develop Single Page Applications and runs on Javascript engine platform. This framework is known to develop front end web frameworks. Launched on 20 Oct 2010,  under MIT License. 

Top Tools for AngularJS development

Developers have many options to build a website. With time, experts have enhanced the web development process and made it easier and faster for the developers. Many frameworks and their tools have been introduced in the market. Among them, to develop a dynamic web page, AngularJS has become a top choice for the developers, as it offers simple syntax and a clean architect with extensive features of HTML 5.

Glance on AngluarJS framework: