Top 10 Criteria to Select the Best Angular Development Company

Started initially as a project in Google and now available as an open-source framework, AngularJS is becoming popular among Angular development companies. Angular JS can be the best option if you want to create a dynamic web application. However, if you wish to turn your app idea into reality, you need high-quality angular development services.

Here are the top 10 criteria for selecting the best Angular development Company:

10 Tips To Optimize Angular Application To Increase Website Speed

Many known and traffic-generating websites across enterprise segments use website optimization methods for their angular web development, such as Google, PayPal, YouTube, and more. Angular is popular for its feature-rich, robust, high-performing characteristics as a front-end framework.

However, the business faces challenges bound to happen when they opt for Angular as web development. It is challenging to create mission-critical web apps, content-based sites, and similar architectural apps that are complex.

Six Great Applications for the Angular Approach to Development

The Angular JS open-source front-end web framework leverages JavaScript development and is used as the front-end for the MEAN stack or other programming languages and frameworks.  It simplifies development and testing using client-side Model View Controller (MVC) and Model View ViewModel (MVVM) architectures. The goal of the Angular JS approach is to provide a structure for application design, Ux, testing, and business logic.

“The Angular development approach provides a full-stack solution, leveraging the power of Angular for lightweight, high-performing, scalable applications”