Use Angular to Build Your First PWA

Progressive Web Application (PWA) has been quite the buzz word for the last few years, but what exactly is it? 

PWAs utilize a number of modern browser technologies to improve overall user experience. The core component of a PWA is a service worker, which is a piece of JavaScript code that runs in the background of a website intercepting and fetching all browser requests.

Create Your First Angular Schematics

I experienced a lot of pain points when I first started using Angular; I needed to open up so many files just to create a simple Hello World app. Luckily, Angular CLI took away a lot of my initial troubles. 

Angular CLI is a command-line tool that creates a simple Angular project. Angular CLI asks you questions about your app and, based on your answers, it determines the routing and the stylesheet format. How does Angular CLI do this? It uses Schematics. 

Angular Application : Spring Data-ldap part-3

Having created the Spring rest service in the previous two blogs, it is time to look at the angular based application that will be interacting with those end points. I prefer using angular-cli to create and add features to my application, it is an easy and reliable way of adding stub code which is easier to manage and traverse.

ng : Angular CLI

A simple definition from the website