Authorization Approach for Multiple Web API Providers

Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) is a popular enterprise identity service used by many organizations for enabling single sign-on for applications and protect their web APIs.

Version 2.0 of Microsoft Identity platform (aka Azure AD) is the latest and improved implementation of OpenId Connect (OIDC) based authentication and OAuth 2.0 authorization flows.

Deploy Your Angular App on GitHub Pages

Learn more about deploying your Angular app on GitHub Pages.

In this article, I am going to share with you my learnings while I was trying to publish my Angular app on GitHub Pages. I found GitHub Pages to be a very effective yet easy platform for publishing your websites. So, in this article, I am going to explain the process in the same way that I published my app.

You may also like:  How to Turn Your GitHub Page Into a Personalized Resume

I have developed this simple Todo app in Angular, in which I am going to explain how to deploy on GitHub Pages in these simple steps...

Use Angular to Build Your First PWA

Progressive Web Application (PWA) has been quite the buzz word for the last few years, but what exactly is it? 

PWAs utilize a number of modern browser technologies to improve overall user experience. The core component of a PWA is a service worker, which is a piece of JavaScript code that runs in the background of a website intercepting and fetching all browser requests.

Angular Resolvers

What Is a Resolver?

To ensure, certain data is loaded from an API response before the route is actually activated, we use Route Resolvers.

In other words, to prefetch the data for a particular route before the component is loaded.

Drag and Drop Using Angular 7

Drag and drop is one of the new features which is provided by Angular 7. Angular 7 makes it very easy to implement this feature. So here, in this blog, we are going to learn how to drag and drop the items from a list of numbers using a basic example.

Before getting started with the implementation there are some basic pre-requisites which are necessary. If you are still using Angular CLI 6, then  you have to upgrade your Angular CLI version to Angular CLI 7.

Angular 7 + Spring Boot Application: Hello World Example

In this tutorial, we will create a full-stack application where we expose an endpoint using Spring Boot and consume this endpoint using Angular 7 and display the data. In the next tutorial, we will be further enhancing this application and performing CRUD operations.

Previously, we have seen what a PCF is and how to deploy an application to PCF. I have deployed this application we are developing to PCF. The demo application is as follows-