Angular 2 vs AngularJS for E-Commerce: What’s the Difference?

Both Angular 2 and AngularJS are great for e-commerce, but which one you use for e-commerce depends on your needs. AngularJS is good for building small-scale e-commerce applications fast while Angular 2 is good for complex, scalable solutions that are high-performing and mobile-ready. 

Today, over a quarter of developers use AngularJS and Angular 2. Thirty-two percent use them for user interfaces, according to StackOverflow, and many of the respondents in that study worked in e-commerce development.

The Most Popular Angular UI Libraries To Try in 2021


Angular is one of the most popular JavaScript web frameworks. Angular's approach to organizing the programmer's work involves hiding the execution of various service operations in the depths of the framework, giving the developer convenient tools built on the basis of internal mechanisms. Angular, like React, encourages the use of components and splitting the application interface into small reusable chunks.

We’ve made a list of libraries for Angular, which you may find useful in your next or current project. Most of them are designed for Angular2+, however, some of them are suitable for older versions of the framework. One of the advantages here is that you can extract individual components from Angular libraries and use them in a project without installing the entire library.

Angular Basics: Inject a Service/DI With Constructor in the Main.ts File

Well, the main.ts is the entry point for the Angular application. Here, we're not able to query instances of services or get them injected because we're outside of the Angular application. It looks like that storage object is completely decoupled from the Angular application as well, so any dependency injection you're after you'd have to do yourself.

Also of note: while I can’t find any explicit documentation on this, Amazon’s example of this Storage class has all of its properties as static, so I’m not sure if the configuration is expecting an instance of a class at all.

How to Work With a Text Editor in an Angular 8 Application


In this article, we will learn how to add a text editor in an Angular 8 application. The text editor is a program for adding and editing text. In this demo, we will use an ng2-ckeditor editor. Learn more about Cheditor with their official docs.


  • Basic Knowledge of Angular 2 or higher.
  • Visual Studio Code.
  • SQL Server Management studio.
  • Node and NPM installed.
  • Bootstrap.

Step 1

 Create an Angular project by using the following command: