How to Set up TestCafe and TypeScript JavaScript End-to-End Automation Testing Framework From Scratch

What is TestCafe?

TestCafe is a non-selenium-based open-source JavaScript End to End Automation Testing Framework built with NodeJS. TestCafe supports JavaScript, CoffeeScript, and TypeScript.

TestCafe is nowadays very popular since it is very stable and follows an easy setup.TestCafe does not depend on Selenium or other testing software. TestCafe runs on the popular Node.js platform and makes use of the browsers that you already have.

How to Set up Cypress and Typescript End-to-End Automation Testing Framework From Scratch

This article explains creating or setting up a end-to-end testing framework from scratch using Typescript. Unlike another tutorial, this explains setting up the Cypress framework using Typescript in a simple and easy way. This article is helpful for whoever wants to set up the Cypress Typescript automation framework for the first time. Also, I know that there are many, migrating from different automation frameworks like Protractor,, etc. this will be helpful for them too.

This Tutorial shows page object model creation as well, however you can use it for any type of framework by skipping those steps.

Angular 9: What to Expect in New Version of Angular

Angular is one of the prominent open source frameworks for building web and mobile applications. The newest version, Angular 9, is smaller, faster, and easier to use, and it will be making Angular developers' life easier.

With Angular 9, the community can benefit from smaller, high-performance applications and better development experience. Developers also now have clear syntax and clear project structure.