Rise of Super Apps – A Boon or Bane?

The iOS App store started with just 500 apps back in 2008 and today they have more than 1.85 million different apps for users to download and use. The android apps on the other hand have even more apps to download and use with over 2.56 million apps that are available through the Google Play Store. While there are tons of apps to choose from, not many make the cut to stay on the phone for several quality issues or bugs within the app. And of course, there is the issue of multiple apps for the same purpose. However, there is a new breed of apps that is making its way into the world of apps that fulfills many purposes using a single app — the Super Apps.

Today, we use multiple apps to perform various functions in our household. We use WhatsApp to send messages, we use Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc for social media, we use different apps to order our groceries and also use various ride-sharing or cab-hailing apps to get from one place to another, and the list goes on. The point I’m making here is that we use a lot of apps on a daily basis to go through the day. But imagine if you could simply use a single app to meet all your needs, be it booking a cab, ordering groceries, paying your bills, etc. That is precisely what a Super App aims to do. Let us delve into Super Apps a bit more to understand how they work.

Java Vs. Kotlin: Which One Will Be the Best in 2019?

Which programming language comes to mind when you hear Android app development? Most probably, you will immediately think of Java. This is because of the vast number of Android apps that are developed in Java.

Developers around the world are still wondering if Kotlin has any future or not. But with the introduction of Kotlin in Google I/O two years back, Kotlin has made its own place in the Android application development market.