How Machine Learning Helps Analytics Be More Proactive

"Many organizations claim that their business decisions are data-driven. But they often use the term "data-driven" to mean reporting key performance metrics based on historical data — and using analysis of these metrics to support and justify business decisions that will, hopefully, lead to desired business outcomes. While this is a good start, it is no longer enough".

The traditional role of data and analytics has always been in supporting decision-making. Now, they are applied where they have never been before. Today data and analytics are not only used for describing, diagnosing, predicting, or even recommending the best actions but also triggering those actions automatically. The motivation behind this new area of application is the goal of many businesses to reduce task performance time and the volume of human labor.

Making Data and Analytics Sexy

Data_AnalyticsIt’s now safe to say that data is the lifeblood of how organizations operate today. Developers are at the heart of all of that. The analytical tools and dashboards developers build are the primary drivers of data-driven decision-making and they are critical tools for the survival of 21st century businesses. If you are a developer or data analyst/scientist involved in building analytics dashboards at your organization, we want to hear from you! Please take this 3 minute survey and tell us about your experiences building analytics dashboards.

Over the next two weeks, we plan to survey hundreds of software developers. The key findings from the survey will be found in our upcoming Trend Report to be released March 25. It is our hope that we can identify some of the key trends happening in this space to help our community stay ahead of the curve. We also want to identify what challenges DZone developers are facing so that we can create content to help you and your colleagues overcome them. We always appreciate your help and contributions to this (in our opinion) awesome community.

Positive Impact of Graph Technology and Neural Networks on Cybersecurity

Take a look into the future of cybersecurity

Breaches on the Rise

The Equifax security breach was among the worst ever in terms of the number of people affected and the type of information breached. Information such as names, SSNs, birth dates and addresses are considered the Holy Grail of personal data that allows hackers to gain access to anyone’s personal, financial, and health records.

While frequent incidents of security breaches have brought enough anxiety in corporate America, it’s the complexity of managing cybersecurity and addressing unanswered questions that really have enterprises nervous.