Minecraft PE for Android

Minecraft is a sandbox video game that blew apart the gaming world. Sandbox games revolve around harnessing the player’s creativity towards achieving an in-built goal. This game does not merely stimulate, distract, or entertain. Minecraft is a mine of adventure and infinite creations built with the simplest of building blocks.

In gaming terms, Minecraft is as old as the hills. Most video games a decade old are gathering dust on shelves, but Minecraft is as popular as ever. This all-time classic video game gives you tools to build anything from a simple home to an entire world. Minecraft appeals to the thinker and the fighter with multiple modes.

Comparing Synthetic Monitoring Products

As we look forward to 2021, Synthetic Monitoring continues to be as important as ever in understanding the performance of your app or website. But your synthetic monitoring is only as good as the tool you're using and there are a lot of product choices. Since selecting the best one for you is critical, the choice can be overwhelming. Price, setup ease, accuracy, and more play a part in the best solution. 

In this article, I reviewed six popular synthetic monitoring choices: Updown.io, UptimeRobot, StatusCake, Site24x7, Pingdom, and DataDog, and applied several measurements against them in a real-world situation to see how each product performed. Then, I set up a typical example of deployment on DigitalOcean and ran tests for five days against each product. Finally, I collected the metrics and compared them against one another to determine which tool was the best.  

Top 9 Debunked DevOps Myths

DevOps is one of the most popular software technologies today, but a lot of people are still unclear about what it is and how they can use it. 

What Is DevOps?

The term DevOps is a combination of two words; development and operations. It is a business software development method used to combine the development team (Dev) of the organization with the operation team (Ops). It helps to integrate and automate the testing process and to deploy the repositories. Besides, it also offers transparency. Further, it gives agility in development and operations.

Best Tips to Manage Your Remote Software Development Teams

For a few years now, remote software development has become quite the trend and favorite. Remote software development teams who constitute remote development are usually a team of designers, product engineers, scrum masters, developers, and product managers. All of them work individually over the project cumulatively, resulting in a product's delivery. 

Generally, in outsourcing, the concerned remote software development company will have dedicated managers overseeing the projects. But post the outbreak of the dreaded pandemic, things are changing. Due to work from home, remote teams operate from different locations. For Business Owners, it is a tedious task to ensure the management of these teams. If you happen to be outsourcing your product development or hiring a remote team to design, develop, and deliver projects, here are a few coolest tips to help you manage them. 

Top 10 Most Promising Programming Languages for 2021

As of 2020, there were approximately 700 programming languages available, according to the latest web development studies. Some of these are applied only to specific domains, while others are widely used across a range of applications.

If you're considering adopting or learning a new programming language in 2021, keep reading to discover the benefits of our top 10 programming languages for 2021.

Python vs PHP for Web Development: Which Is Better?

Python and PHP are two extremely popular and high-ranked programming languages. If you may be wondering which language has a greater demand for web development, Python or PHP, Python is the winner. Statistics show that PHP comprises 26.2% of user-share and Python 44.1%. In our article, we will conduct a detailed comparison of these two languages and determine in which cases it is better to use Python or PHP for web development and why Python is more suitable.

Python vs. PHP: Which one to choose for website development in 2021?

Selecting a coding language for any project, be it a website or application development, is a challenging and crucial step. There has always been intense competition between Python and PHP. We will provide a comparison of these two languages for you to make the best choice for your software development. We developed criteria that can be applied to almost any project. Let’s get started!

10 Best IoT Platforms for 2021

The rapid growth of the Internet of Things over recent years has brought countless examples of smart devices, cloud services, and applications to life. As their complexity increases, the need for IoT platforms   ̶  solution frameworks that streamline IoT application development   ̶  also grows. In their recent report, MarketsandMarkets estimated that the global IoT cloud platform market will grow from USD 6.4 billion in 2020 to USD 11.5 billion by 2025, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 12.6% during the forecast period.

The number of IoT platform vendors shows similar dynamics; as estimated by Statista, there were about 620 publicly known IoT platforms in 2019, twice as many as in 2015. Big companies from different industries, such as Amazon, Bosch, and Deutsche Telekom, have joined the fray, all trying to increase their footprint in technology markets. However, a bigger vendor doesn’t always mean a better solution. When choosing the best IoT platform for your business, it is important to consider the total cost of ownership, usability, speed of implementation, etc. as much as strong feature sets. What is considered to be a great IoT platform, in general, may not be the best option for your case.

New Cloud Services Are Foundational to Gaining Control Over Content

My next-door neighbor has a two-car garage and a large shed in the backyard. In the over twenty years we have lived next door, they have yet to park a single car in their garage. The garage is overflowing with all manner of yard equipment, winter tires, retired exercise equipment, and the odd piece of furniture. The shed is also packed. They own a snowblower, yet I often lend them ours because they can’t access their own. Unfortunately, many organizations handle file management in a similar fashion to my neighbor. 

Most corporate file shares are overflowing with files long ago abandoned. Most peg the amount of ROT (redundant, obsolete, trivial) files to be at least 80% of the total under management. A good number of these were obsolete days after being created; over 95% within 90 days. Finding specific files, or finding files containing certain information becomes complex, as they tend to be spread out in various islands of storage. Some are on personal devices, some exist in on-prem file shares, while others are in Google Drive, Dropbox, or personal OneDrives. 

In-house Tool for Performance Testing

In the software development cycle, testing is one of the important criteria. There are many tools available in this space for testing such as Junit, Jmeter, manual, automation, and many performance testing tools. Some of these tools are third-party tools and have a cost-heavy license for the company to manage. For small start-up companies, these license costs can be unbearable. We analyze a tool to make the process easier and more cost effective. 

About the Tool

Every team and company has different requirements and applications built out. The objective is to create a tool in the most customized way which is easily configurable and expandable to test current and future applications.

Implement a Distributed Database to Your Java Application

Brief Description

i.o.cluster, also known as interference open cluster, is a simple Java framework that enables you to launch a distributed database service within your Java application, using a JPA-like interface and annotations for structure mapping and data operations. This software inherits its name from the interference project, within which its mechanisms were developed.

 i.o.cluster is an open-source, pure Java software.

Microservice Performance That Saves You Money

For many years, the most important metric for application servers was throughput: how many transactions or requests can we squeeze out of this application?  The adoption of finer-grained architecture styles, such as microservices and functions, has led to a broadening in the performance characteristics we should care about, such as memory footprint and throughput.

Where you once deployed a small number of runtime instances for your server and application, now you may be deploying tens or hundreds of microservices or functions.  Each of those instances comes with its own server, even if it’s embedded in a runnable jar or pulled in as a container image there’s a server in there somewhere. While cold startup time is critically important for cloud functions (and Open Liberty’s time-to-first-response is approximately 1 second, so it’s no slouch), memory footprint and throughput are far more important for microservices architectures in which each running instance is likely to serve thousands of requests before it’s replaced.

WebAuthn: A Great Solution…With Problems

A Quick WebAuthn Refresher

I think we can all agree that passwords suck. They’re difficult to remember, which leads to people simply reusing the same, weak, words/phrases over and over. They’re also easily phishable,  with ever more subtle and believable attacks happening all the time

WebAuthn (Web Authentication) promises to fix web passwords with a strong, simple. un-phishable standard for secure authentication. It is a credential management API built into modern web browsers. allowing web applications to strongly authenticate users. It is now a World Wide Web Consortium standard.

Performance Engineering: The What, The Why, and The How Explained

Everything you need to know about performance engineering.

Being a software developer means much more than simply writing bug-free code. As highly distributed apps become more complex, developers need to ensure their systems are as user-friendly, secure, and scalable as possible. Application performance engineering is an essential practice for any DevOps team, allowing developers across departments to stay agile and efficient.

You may also like: A Short History of Performance Engineering

GraphQL: Thinking Beyond the Technology

GraphQL: Thinking Beyond the Technology

I'm going to share a deep, dark secret from my past: before I shifted to JavaScript, I was actually a Java developer. This means I have worked as both a backend and frontend developer. It also means I am uniquely qualified to share with you another dark industry secret: the things that backend developers say about frontend developers when they're not around. Are you ready? Here we go:

  • Can't those frontend developers just use what we've given them?
  • Can't those frontend developers decide what they want, once and for all?
  • Really, how hard can it be to build a frontend? Don't those frontend devs just fiddle with CSS and bump pixels around the screen?
  • What do those frontend developers actually do with all of their time?

But of course, let's be honest: frontend developers also say things about backend developers when they're not around. For example:

Colocation vs. In-House Data Center: What’s Better for Your Business?

Business storage and management are integral to the daily operations of a business. As your business grows, the question of data storage must be addressed. According to a recent Gartner report, the worldwide cloud services market is projected to grow by nearly 18 percent in 2019, totaling $214.3 billion. 

Despite the growing popularity of public cloud services, there are numerous convenient, affordable, and safe ways to store enterprise data, such as colocation and in-house data centers. Depending on the specific needs of your business, you may choose to prioritize factors like data control and overhead costs over convenience or vice versa. So, what is colocation, and how does it compare to in-house data centers?

Analysis of Business-Critical Core Applications

Striking a balance between cutting costs and optimally supporting a business model is a major challenge for many IT departments. They also need to calculate how to adapt the amount of IT support — based on the needs of the business model — without raising the complexity of their IT infrastructure or allowing application landscapes to grow out of control.

From conducting a comprehensive analysis to establishing key decision parameters, this article covers the journey to a successful core application transformation geared to the needs of a business model.