Choosing a Custom Software Development Company That Delivers: 11 Key Factors To Account For

Finding the right custom software development company that delivers is a complex challenge. It is like hiring a crew to build your new house. Triple check with whom you will work with over the next few months or years as it has a direct impact on your success or failure. As we know at the heart of every successful organization is a quality custom software solution, therefore we decided to create a guide with key factors on how to choose a custom software development company that delivers.

Key Factors to Take Into Account When Choosing a Custom Software Development Company That Delivers

1. Review Portfolios

Explore the prospective software development company’s previous projects. Picking a company with a proven experience in a specific industry, technology, or type of project can be advantageous as they are familiar with the challenges that can occur during a custom software development life cycle for a specific product or feature. When reviewing portfolios, also consider the size of your project. You’ll notice if any custom software development company prefers working with certain-sized projects.

Why Hasn’t the Security Industry Embraced the API-First Revolution?

How the Security Industry Fell a Decade Behind the Broader Tech Industry

I’m not going to sugarcoat it; the security industry has fallen way behind the broader tech industry in the last decade in a really fundamental way. While much of the tech industry has started to pivot away from hardware and software-based solutions – which dominated the 90s and early 2000s – and towards the use of API-first SaaS services, most of the security industry has not.

Now, this reluctance to embrace a new way of delivering security outcomes means that customers are overburdened with acquiring, deploying, and managing security tools in a legacy model. A painful, not to mention expensive, way to defend against threats.

Top 10 Data Analytics Trends That Will Boom Your Business

“Without big data analytics, companies are blind and deaf, wandering out onto the web like deer on a freeway.” - Geoffrey Moore, Author of Crossing the Chasm Inside the Tornado

Without analytics, your company is vulnerable because analytics gives you valuable insight into what is and is not working. If your company doesn’t understand what mistakes it has made with its business decision-making, marketing performance, or customer interactions, it will keep on making those same errors. Data analytics helps business decision-makers position themselves in the industry and identify in which fields in their products and services are needed, why sales may have decreased or increased, and where there may be an opportunity in the market.

How is Orchestration Fixing Big Data Management Challenges For Digital Enterprises?

If global companies manage their data efficiently, they would never have to lock horns with deploying data science strategies. It does sound simple until you know that ‘efficiently’ is an ocean of complexities and beyond the expertise of most businesses. Capturing and orchestrating data is a rough path but a necessity to undo data silos and provide immediate results to on-demand search queries. And that is why we need data orchestration that is purposefully meant to enable quick access and yet protect it from widespread fragmentation.

How Does Big Data Orchestration Work? 

Orchestration tools are a middleware layer between the data warehouse (source points) and the business applications such as CRM, BI Analytics, etc. Through pre-built connectors and API adapters, these tools perform rapid integration of all source points with the main silos. It simplifies data monitoring from a single point while enabling the teams to perform seamless fetching. All of this is achieved without having to develop custom scripts or devoting additional resources.

Perl Can Do That Now!

Last week saw the release of Perl 5.34.0 (you can get it here), and with it comes a year's worth of new features, performance enhancements, bug fixes, and other improvements. It seems like a good time to highlight some of my favorite changes over the past decade and a half, especially for those with more dated knowledge of Perl. You can always click on the headers below for the full releases' perldelta pages.

Perl 5.10 (2007)

This was a big release, coming as it did over five years after the previous major 5.8 release. Not that Perl developers were idle—but it wouldn't be until version 5.14 that the language would adopt a steady yearly release cadence.

Mobile Apps Dataset


My main job is related to mobile advertising, and from time to time, I have to work with mobile application datasets.

I decided to make some of the data publicly available for those who want to practice building models or get an idea of some of the data that can be collected from open sources. I believe that open-source datasets are always useful as they allow you to learn and grow. Collecting data is often a difficult and dreary job, and not everyone has the ability to do it.

Does Product-Led Growth Produce Better Companies?

After serving two years in the Peace Corps, I knew I wanted to join a startup, but I immediately faced a dilemma — there are too many startups from which to choose. Some early teams, like Arctype, do distinguish themselves through their overwhelming focus on product experience, which is why today, I'm going to use SQL to analyze the performance of public SaaS companies that have historically shared this focus. Through this analysis, I hope to answer the following question: are these so-called 'product-led growth' companies truly better? Did I make the right long-term financial decision in joining Arctype?

According to product adoption platform Pendo, product-led growth (PLG) relies upon the product itself — its features, performance, and virality — to do much of the 'selling.' At Arctype, we are following this strategy by focusing on the speed and developer experience of both our query editor and SQL IDE to convert users.

Code Quality Metrics

"Employing these Metrics to excel the performance of code directly impacts the profitability of the business. Achieving high-quality standards ultimately increases the ROI of the software. Consider it as a matter of choosing between investing excess time as well as resources initially or wasting the same later in fixing issues"

For the developers, practicing to write a good quality code in the initial phase of the coding job not only prevents the efforts and hours spent in précising the errors but also the costs are reduced. It leaves the engineers with little adjustments and complaint handling. So, if your goal is high reliability, readability, and efficiency in the code, you need to employ quality checks for your code.

6 Important Types of Neural Networks

An Introduction to the Most Common Neural Networks

Neural Nets have become pretty popular today, but there remains a dearth of understanding about them. For one, we've seen a lot of people not being able to recognize the various types of neural networks and the problems they solve, let alone distinguish between each of them. And second, which is somehow even worse, is when people indiscriminately use the words Deep Learning when talking about any neural network without breaking down the differences.

In this post, we will talk about the most popular neural network architectures that everyone should be familiar with when working in AI research.

What Does Serverless Architecture Hold?

Let’s rewind a bit. The cloud emerged somewhere in the mid-2000s. Before its development, enterprises relied on their own infrastructure to house everything they needed for software, small business apps, or programs. Engineers were required to manage the hardware and software.

Put yourself in the engineers’ shoes, other than development, you still need to mind the integrity of your infrastructure. This includes servers, networks, storage, services, and application. Managing the hardware, let alone the software, is an expensive process that requires skilled technicians.

The Top 5 Big Data Applications in the Healthcare Industry

In this modern era of leveraging technology, the enhancement of healthcare sectors is crucial especially during the pandemic of COVID-19. Technological advancements can either make or break the future of healthcare and can control the second wave of coronavirus. One method which can be acquired to make healthcare more efficient, accurate, and affordable is by utilizing big data. 

Big data has completely revolutionized the way data is analyzed, managed, and leveraged across numerous industries. Noticeable sectors where data analytics is making prominent changes in healthcare. It is estimated that the global big data in the healthcare market will tend to reach $34.27 billion by the year 2022 at a CAGR of 22.07%. Moreover, big data in the healthcare market is expected to bypass the figure of $68.03 billion by the year 2024. 

Monitoring Across Frameworks

Gone are the times when developers' jobs ended with the release of the application. Nowadays, developers care more and more about the operational side of IT: perhaps they operate applications themselves, but more probably, their organization fosters increased collaboration between Dev and Ops.

I started to become interested in the Ops side of software when I was still a consultant. When Spring Boot released the Actuator, I became excited. Via its convention-other-configuration nature, it was possible to add monitoring endpoints with just an additional dependency.

Oracle EBS to Oracle Cloud Migration Testing Types

Testing is crucial during the migration of legacy applications to the cloud in order to avoid any data loss or downtime. So, analyzing and determining which testing strategy to employ while performing a migration is critical. Enterprises must invest quality time and effort to establish a proper migration testing plan. A well-defined migration testing strategy is essential to mitigating the risks involved and delivering a successful migration. This is comprised of three phases: Pre-Migration, In-Migration, and Post-Migration. In this post, we’ll break down what goes into the In-Migration and Post-Migration phases.

Let’s start with the testing types involved in the In-Migration testing phase:

DocRaptor vs. WeasyPrint: A PDF Export Showdown


I recently published an article comparing HTML-to-PDF export libraries. In it, I explored options like the native browser print functionality, open-source libraries jsPDF and pdfmake, and the paid service DocRaptor. Here's a quick recap of my findings:

If you want the simplest solution and don’t need a professional-looking document, the native browser print functionality should be just fine. If you need more control over the PDF output, then you’ll want to use a library. jsPDF shines when it comes to single-page content generated based on HTML shown in the UI. pdfmake works best when generating PDF content from data rather than from HTML. DocRaptor is the most powerful of them all with its simple API and its beautiful PDF output. But again, unlike the others, it is a paid service. However, if your business depends on elegant, professional document generation, DocRaptor is well worth the cost.

My Design Thinking Experience

Hello, people!

Do you know about design thinking? If your answer is no, you should at least Google and learn about this approach to development. In this article, I want to share my experience with it and my ideas about it.

JavaScript vs Other Popular Languages of the 21st Century

The trends in the programming industry have changed so much in the past decade. One such evolution was seen in the web development industry. In the earlier days, web development originally just dealt with the development of web pages and websites for the intranet and internet. 

As time has passed, it has become more focused on creating complex and detailed web, mobile, and desktop applications. 

ASPICE 101: What You Need to Know About Automotive SPICE

Wooden panels and beltless bench seating have gone the way of the dinosaurs, and vehicles have become increasingly sophisticated with every passing year. A major part of that? Embedded systems and automotive software. So, why have functional safety requirements become more standardized while automotive software standards remain touch and go?

ISO 26262, the functional safety standard for vehicles broadly adopted worldwide, incorporates extensive safety analysis methods that account for random errors. But ISO 26262 largely fails to account for systematic errors, including software flaws. ASPICE, or Automotive SPICE, is the most current standard for automotive software best practices, but it is yet to be globally adopted. Read on for a deep dive into this essential automotive software guideline and how to go about meeting it.

Utilizing the Cloud Effectively for Optimal ERP Performance

An ERP (Enterprise Resources Planning) is a set of packages or a specialized business management software that attempts to integrate all departments and functions within the company in a single, centralized system. The purpose is to optimize decision-making capabilities for business processes and strategies.

One of the biggest decisions that organizations need to make is whether to host their ERP on the cloud or rely on self-hosting. Before they can make that decision, there are a few things to consider. Read the following overview of ERP for a better understanding of ERP and self-hosting.