gPass: A Password Generator CLI

Yes, it's true, I created my own password generator CLI tool and published it as an NPM package. It has only ~12kB, easy-to-use and it's open-source.

You can find the package on this link here.

Scriptless Testing vs Scripted Testing: Which One Is for You?

Scriptless testing - a way of test automation that does not need scripting -  is a new method. It aims at minimizing a tester’s load in terms of learning to code and script! Just like in-sprint, scriptless testing is also a new and popular paradigm. If you have stumbled on this post, I am sure you must have heard about scriptless testing and are fascinated by its working. Or you are wondering whether you should go for scriptless or scripted testing? What’s in store for you if you choose one of them? Don’t worry. This post is just perfect to clear out your confusion. However, this post will not dive deep into scriptless testing and if you are interested in that solely, you may visit What is Scriptless testing and how it works.

Scripted Testing - Standard and Powerful Method

Scripted testing has been a standard method of automated testing for software and is today used in the majority of software development cycles. The following table shows the growth of the automation testing market over the years in billion dollars:

Top 10 June ’21 Big Data Articles to Read Now


Big Data is now adapted by a lot of businesses. Its popularity and use are expanding globally. How awesome would it be to find top trending Big Data articles in one place so that you can always stay up to date with the latest trends in technology? We dug into Google analytics to find the top 10 most popular Big Data articles in June. Let's get started!

10. Kafka Administration and Monitoring UI Tools

Kafka is used for streaming data and much more! This article covers Kafka basics and Kafta Administration, Kafka Manager, and Monitoring tools. 

Should You Invent a New Query Language? (Probably Not)

Should You Invent a New Query Language? Cover Image

"What's worse than data silos? Data silos that invent their own query language." - Erik Bernhardsson

In his infamous and widely discussed blog post named ' I don't want to learn your garbage query language,' Erik Bernhardsson expressed what so many other Data Engineers and Analysts related with so strongly. Namely, that he "really [doesn't] like software that invents its own query language" and that he "just [wants his] SQL back."

The fairly short-yet-passionate rant summarized the almost universal experience that technologies that require their own language often produce a whole new different set of complexities.

Kafka-Streams – Tips on How to Decrease Re-Balancing Impact for Real-Time Event Processing On Highly Loaded Topics


Kafka Rebalance happens when a new consumer is either added (joined) into the consumer group or removed (left). It becomes dramatic during application service deployment rollout, as multiple instances restarted at the same time, and rebalance latency significantly increasing. During rebalance, consumers stop processing messages for some period of time, and, as a result, processing of events from a topic happens with some delay. Some business cases could tolerate rebalancing, meanwhile, others require real-time event processing and it's painful to have delays in more than a few seconds. Here we will try to figure out how to decrease rebalance for Kafka-Streams clients (even though some tips will be useful for other Kafka consumer clients as well).

Let's look at one existing use case. We have a micro-service with 45 application instances, that is deployed into Docker Kubernetes with configured up-scaling and down-scaling (based on CPU load). This service consumes a single topic using Kafka-Streams (actually there are more consuming topics, but let's concentrate on a single one), a topic with 180 partitions and traffic is 20000 messages per second. We use Kafka Streams configuration property, = 4so a single app instance processes 4 partitions in 4 threads (45 instances with 4 threads per each, so actually it means each partition out of 180 is processed by its own thread). As a result, a consumer should handle around 110 messages per second from a single partition. In our case, processing of a single message takes around 5 milliseconds and the stream is stateless (processing - both CPU and IO intensive, some invocations into databases and REST calls to other micro-services). 

4 Great Hybrid Mobile Application Development Tools To Help Your Project Succeed

As businesses envision new business mobile applications and new mobile applications for the consumer market, the hybrid mobile application development environment is front and center. For the best device coverage and user accessibility, businesses must create hybrid mobile applications that will be suitable for iOS and Android devices. This article will focus on four (4) great hybrid mobile application development tools that will help your mobile application development project succeed. 

‘In this article, we focus on four great hybrid mobile application development tools including, React Native, jQuery Mobile, Mobile Angular UI and Framework 7.’ 

CircleCI vs. GitLab: Choosing the Right CI/CD Tool

He is a gifted driver. Famed for speed, reverse J, and drifts. He can breeze through the Moscow and Mexico traffic without sweating a drop. Of course, no one gets cracking on Bengaluru roads  But despite being so adept behind the wheels, he sometimes fails to champ the street races. Screeching tyres buzz in his head doesn’t let him sleep at times. I wish to tell him it’s not always about the driver, sometimes it’s the engine. That’s what happens when the right dev talent uses wrong, inefficient, incompatible CI/CD tools. The DevOps technologies you chose can abruptly break or smoothly accelerate your software development cycle. This article explores the Ford & the Ferrari of the CI/CD world in detail, CircleCI vs. GitLab, to help you pick the right one.

Why Is CI/CD Important?

Modern software development approaches prioritize automating repetitive processes. ‘Lean, modular, iterative development is the new mantra of the dev community.

Applications of AI and ML in 2021 mHealth

The healthcare industry has undergone a significant transformation in the past few years. The expansion and influence of machine learning and artificial intelligence have given a rise to a new ecosystem. Still, most times, those two technologies are described as a magic wand that has come to change the system. 

The Rise of Health Mobile Apps: A Market Overview

Mobile health (shortly mHealth) refers to public health and medicine delivery services through mobile devices. With digitalization gradually covering all the segments, the healthcare industry has registered significant growth in mobile apps.

Automation of Business Transaction Reconciliation

Reducing time for disaster recovery is crucial for organizations needing to achieve operational resiliency. This article helps CIOs, CTOs and IT development teams understand the complexity of maintaining stateful transaction processing with participating applications, auto reconciliation and visualization. It also provides information for organizations setting up high recovery mechanisms for transaction reconciliation and settlement in case of failure, as well as transaction disruption events during a network failure.

Problem Statement

Many organizations spend huge amounts of time manually settling business transactions when there is a complete fail-over of an application or site zone failure to another application site zone. The fail-over condition arises due to uncontrolled network failure, OS failure, hardware failure or DR drill. The availability and processing of time-bound and business-critical transactions across application site zones are needed by many organizations, especially financial institutions. The automation of this requirement needs technical support and solution implementation.

Growing Pains: Learning From SysML v1

The SysML v2 Visualization Origin Story

Systems Engineering is the discipline of integrating parts into a functioning whole. It is responsible for communicating needs and capabilities between stakeholders and specialists. In the early 2000s, members of the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) and the Object Management Group (OMG) joined together to create a graphical modeling language that was tailored to the needs of systems engineers. This produced the Systems Modeling Language, or SysML, built on top of the software-focused Unified Modeling Language (UML).

SysML v1 received mixed reviews from the systems engineering community after it was released in 2007. Its UML foundation saved designers of the language from reinventing core concepts in modeling and representation. And a community of UML tool vendors was ready to support it. However, SysML inherited UML’s weaknesses along with its strengths. There was a lack of connection between system structure and behavior. The representational approach was esoteric and rigid, making training difficult. Lack of interoperability between tools made sharing models painful. And ambiguous rules for completeness of diagrams relative to the model made many errors easy to create and hard to detect.

Simplifying IAC Using Terraform, Terragrunt, and Atlantis

Before we start on simplifying the Infra as Code(IAC), let's learn about what it is and the best practices of coding for our Infra. 

What Is Infra as Code(IAC)?

IaC is a method of templating your infrastructure configuration in a version-controlled system and automate the provisioning and destruction of application environments. Adapting IAC helps in enabling self-service for developers, reducing bottlenecks, errors, and time-consuming rollbacks.  

The Essential Data Cleansing Checklist

Data quality issues, such as missing, duplicate, inaccurate, valid, and inconsistent values, cause headaches in finding and using data sets. Having a suitable data cleansing procedure handles this bad data and makes it suitable for other people and systems.

A helpful data cleansing process standardizes data, fixes, or removes erroneous values, and formats records to be readable. You get these adequate results from data cleansing when you know your data’s original purpose and visualize the good data you require to meet new goals. You need to create a good foundation and run through the essential data cleansing checklist in this article to achieve your objectives.

Reactive Microservices – 1


The term reactive is ubiquitous. Everything from architecture to frameworks, to the general concepts, seems to refer to this term. Quite obviously, reactive has assumed many meanings and definitions and can be understood under a certain context. This article aims to dive deep into what being reactive means and to explore the various contexts where this idea is used. In particular, the article aims to explore the relationship between microservices and reactive and attempt to define what reactive microservices are.

Reactive Systems — Introduction

The operating environment of enterprises today has complexity as a norm. Cloud Computing, Multiple device types (desktops, mobile devices, wearables, Sensors, Gaming Consoles, Smart Homes), near-zero downtime, low latency & petabytes of data processing are few characteristics that have led to a world of services where the experience and expectations of a consumer have changed. In addition, the number of users has increased manifold and these users are always connected.

Why Is Fuzzy Matching Software a Key for Deduplication?

Identifying golden and unique records across or within datasets is crucial to prevent identity theft, meet compliance regulations, and improve customer acquisition. Banks, government organizations, healthcare providers, and marketing companies all require matching algorithms to identify and deduplicate redundant entries to enrich their master database.

Fuzzy matching is a known set of algorithms for measuring the distance between two similar entities. But certain limitations hinder its effectiveness to quickly find matches for larger, disparate datasets. 

Finding When Premature Optimization Is Evil

This article is based on the Software Mistakes and Tradeoffs book by Tomasz Lelek and Jon Skeet.

There is an old computer science saying that Premature Optimization is the root of all evil. The saying has stuck around because it’s accurate for a lot of use cases. Without any input data about expected traffic and SLA, it’s hard to reason about your code and its required performance. Optimizing random paths in code in such a situation is like shooting in the dark. You will complicate your code for no good reason. 

Use MySQL Window Functions to Get More Out of Your Data

MySQL Windows Functions

Window Functions in MySQL

Window functions are an advanced feature offered by MySQL to improve the execution performance of queries. These functions act on a group of rows related to the targeted row called window frame. Unlike a GROUP BY clause, Window functions do not collapse the rows to a single row — preserving the details of each row instead. This new approach to querying data is invaluable in data analytics and business intelligence.

Window Functions vs. Aggregate Functions

Aggregate functions are used to return a single scalar value from a set of rows. Some prominent aggregate functions available in MySQL are SUM, MIN, MAX, AVG, and COUNT. We can use these functions combined with the GROUP BY clause to get an aggregated value.

The SOC Technology Stack: XDR, SIEM, WAF, and More

Source: Pixabay

What is a Security Operations Center (SOC)?

A SOC is responsible for maintaining, monitoring, and protecting information security in an organization. It is considered a hub of intelligence that gathers real-time information as it streams across the assets of the organization, including servers, networks, and endpoints, and uses it to identify security events and respond to them in an effective and timely manner.