How to Install Anaconda on ECS

Anaconda is an open source and free distribution of Python and R programming languages used for data science and machine learning related applications. Anaconda helps organizations to develop, manage, and automate AI/ML, regardless of the scale of deployment. It allows organizations to scale from individual data scientists to a collaborative group of data scientists, and from a single server to thousands of nodes for model training and deployment.

In this tutorial, we will be installing and setting up Anaconda Python on an Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance with Ubuntu 16.04 installed.

Learn TensorFlow: Vectors


TensorFlow is an open-source library that was developed by the Google Brain team, and it was released in November 2015. Before working with TensorFlow, we need to understand the following basic concepts:

  • Graph: Layout of the learning process. It does not include data.
  • Data: Examples that are used to train. It has two kinds, which are inputs and targets.
  • Session: Where we feed the graph with data or Session = Graph + Data. We can do this by using placeholders — gates to introduce examples.

We can install Anaconda to use TensorFlow.