Using Refinitiv’s Amazon EC2 Machine Image For a Real-Time Application

In industries like banking, there's a real need for real-time data.


We are living in the cloud age, which means developers do not need to set up their own local machine or dedicate on-premise environment to implement, test and run their application. They just create a VM machine in the cloud to perform those tasks.

In the financial world, what would you need to get the actual update of the stock price that you just bought? You can use your phone to watch it live with any apps, but was it live? And as a developer, how do we transfer such data to the hands of app users?

Cloud, Fog, and Edge Computing: 3 Differences That Matter

The three distinct flavors of cloud computing.

Internet of Things (IoT) has transformed the way businesses work, and the industry has seen a massive shift from on-premise software to cloud computing. IoT has sprawled across several industries catering to consumers at a global level.

From smart voice assistants to smart homes, brands are expanding their range of services and experimenting with different ideas to enhance the customer experience. Data on customer behavior is now collected through diverse and innovative ways.