Using Refinitiv’s Amazon EC2 Machine Image For a Real-Time Application

In industries like banking, there's a real need for real-time data.


We are living in the cloud age, which means developers do not need to set up their own local machine or dedicate on-premise environment to implement, test and run their application. They just create a VM machine in the cloud to perform those tasks.

In the financial world, what would you need to get the actual update of the stock price that you just bought? You can use your phone to watch it live with any apps, but was it live? And as a developer, how do we transfer such data to the hands of app users?

GraalVM — Byte Code to Bit Code

Early adopters for Cloud-Native (microservices, serverless) are now moving to its next wave called v2.x., leveraging the maturity, learnings, and identified shortfalls to design next-level stuff.

Let's recap few purposes of going cloud-native that we will relate here:

Apache Ignite AWS basics


Cloud computing is on the rise for a couple of reasons: it is flexible, relatively cheap compared to supporting in-house infrastructure, and it allows excellent automation of resource allocation, which cuts costs even more.

Cloud computing also allows horizontal scalability, which is crucial for many businesses in today’s digital age. When the amount of data to be processed grows year-to-year, one cannot rely on old-fashioned vertical scalability models. In this era of distributed computing, data should be spread across multiple cheaper systems, where data can be stored reliably, processed, and returned to the user when needed.

Amazon Review Data: Spotting Trends and Fake Reviews


Amazon is the leading provider of cloud computing and has a number of interesting open data sets which you can experiment with. I wanted to try them out with a new product my company has developed, so I've been looking at those data sets. One of the most recognizable is Amazon's own review data which is documented at


I wanted to see what sort of questions the review data could answer. At the end of this article, in "How I did it," I'll show the steps to access the data, but for now you will just need to know some SQL to follow the queries used.

Comparing Serverless Architecture Providers: AWS, Azure, Google, IBM, and Other FaaS Vendors

According to the RightScale 2018 State of the Cloud report, serverless architecture penetration rate increased to 75 percent. Aware of what serverless means, you probably know that the market of cloudless architecture providers is no longer limited to major vendors such as AWS Lambda or Azure Functions. Now we have a range of cloud providers to choose from. But, why would anybody switch to serverless architecture? And what is the difference between all those providers and services they offer?

Where Does Serverless Come From?

To answer that question, let’s roll back a bit. Fourteen years ago, cloud technologies began being adopted in IT. The market had to change rapidly, as every year brought new approaches to app development. First, businesses mostly utilized the IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service) approach. It entailed renting servers and moving the infrastructure to clouds, but teams still had to deal with server setup. Then came the gradual dismissal of manual server operation, and PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) appeared. PaaS providers offered a more complete application stack, like operating systems and databases to run in the cloud and be managed by the vendor. But that wasn’t enough.

Authentication and Authorization to Amazon Cognito With Lambdas


In our project, we were using Amazon Cognito for authentication, authorization and user management. It’s very easy to use, basically, you just need to create a user pool, identity pool, and users (everything you can “click” from AWS console).

I will not go into the details, you can read how to do this step by step from official AWS docs.

AWS CodeCommit: Identifying Your Public Key

I use AWS CodeCommit to hold the work-in-progress articles for this blog. It's free, it's private, and it's not living on a disk drive in my house.

To access my repositories, I use SSH private key authentication. Unlike GitHub, CodeCommit doesn't just let you attach a public key to a repository. Instead, you associate a public key with a user token, and must use that user token to access the repository. That's not too onerous, because you can put the token in your .ssh/config: