Common Performance Management Mistakes

This is an article from DZone's 2021 Application Performance Management Trend Report.

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Performance in any cloud-distributed application is key to successful user experience. Thus, having a deep understanding of how to measure performance and what metric IO pattern to use is quite important. In this article, we will cover the following: 

How to Setup MuleSoft Runtime Fabric on Self-Managed Kubernetes With AKS


MuleSoft announced the general availability of Anypoint Runtime Fabric on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) with the v1.8 release. Release 1.8 allows two flavors of Runtime Fabric as follows:

  1. Runtime Fabric with Mule Appliance.
  2. Runtime Fabric with BYOK (Bring your Own Kubernetes).

RTF with Mule appliance is shipped with mule appliance and is packaged with its own Kubernetes. Therefore, it allows enterprises and implementing partners to take advantage of cutting-edge technologies such as Kubernetes and docker without knowing much about them. However, these days, most enterprises are moving towards the cloud and have embraced these technologies. 

Easy and Fast Adjustment of Kubernetes CPU and Memory

Assigning and managing CPU and memory resources in the Kubernetes can be tricky and easy at the same time. Having done this task for numerous customers, I have decided to create a framework zone. I will show you what Kubernetes resources and limits are and how to manage them.

The framework contains the following steps.

  • Infographic Guide shows what algorithms to follow to determine and assign the resources and limits.
  • Code templates allow applying those algorithms with minimal adaptation.
  • Algorithms and tools to gather the metrics about resource consumption and set up the limits.
  • Links to the official documentation where you can quickly grab some examples and read more detailed information.

What This Article Doesn't Contain

My goal here is simplicity. So you won't find detailed descriptions of how resources, limit ranges, and quotas work. There are plentiful articles written about it, as well as Kubernetes thorough documentation. Instead, here you will find information on how to quickly start adjusting Kubernetes resources in your projects.

CI/CD as a Code for .NET Core Application and Kubernetes

Building CI/CD process for the .NET Core application could be complicated especially when you are dealing with Kubernetes and Docker and if you need to include code style analysis, unit test, and code coverage report.

In this article, I am going to explain the process of building a simple CI/CD pipeline for existing .net core application to moving it to Azure Kubernetes Services using Azure DevOps. The final Pipeline will be easy to understand and reusable.

Upgrading Kubernetes Worker Nodes in GKE, AKS, and EKS

Kubernetes is a popular container orchestration platform that you can deploy on-premise or in the cloud. In this article, you will learn about Kubernetes upgrade options in Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), and Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (EKS).

What is a Kubernetes Cluster?

A cluster is a unit that includes several Kubernetes pods. A pod is a set of containers, with facilities to allow containers to communicate and share data between them. A cluster consists of the following components:

Working With AWS And Kubernetes Together

Many developers now package the various services that comprise their applications into separate containers. These containers can then be deployed across clusters of machines, whether virtual or physical. This is a neat and attractive way of approaching software development that also necessitates another innovation—container orchestration. Leading container management tool Kubernetes automates the creation, configuration, scaling, networking, and other facets of container-based applications.

As a way to containerize applications in a cloud environment, Kubernetes offers a lot of flexibility. You can structure your web application into pods, contain processes or functions separately, and create complex communications between worker nodes in different pods. The way Kubernetes is designed to be flexible resembles that of Amazon Web Services and the tools it offers. One such tool in particular, Amazon EKS, is a certified Kubernetes conformant which means you can use existing tooling and plugins from partners and the Kubernetes community on the AWS platform. The service allows you to deploy Kubernetes instances without managing them manually.

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Security Features

Today, we are deploying a Kubernetes cluster for our application. Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) has many advantages over similar Kubernetes platforms because the user does not pay for the master VMS or its maintenance. An Azure subscriber pays only for the worker VMS. However, AKS — out of the box — is not a production-ready product. The following are the steps we need to take before we became almost production-ready.

In this article, we are going to discuss the following topics: