Apache Kafka in the Public Sector – Part 5: National Security and Defense

The public sector includes many different areas. Some groups leverage cutting-edge technology, like military leverage. Others like the public administration are years or even decades behind. This blog series explores how the public sector leverages data in motion powered by Apache Kafka to add value for innovative new applications and modernizing legacy IT infrastructures. This is part 5: Use cases and architectures for national security, cybersecurity, defense, and military.

Blog series: Apache Kafka in the Public Sector and Government

This blog series explores why many governments and public infrastructure sectors leverage event streaming for various use cases. Learn about real-world deployments and different architectures for Kafka in the public sector:

Klusterkit: An Open Source Toolkit to Simplify Kubernetes Deployments

Today, we're excited to announce that Platform9 is open-sourcing Klusterkit, a set of three open source tools available under the Apache v2.0 license on GitHub.

Our customers deploy their software on their private data centers that are often air-gapped environments (either for security reasons, or other considerations). These large organizations were looking to take advantage of Kubernetes and modernize their applications, while enabling deployment of these on different data centers that are often not connected to the outside world.