Top 5 AI Trends That Will Shape 2022 and Beyond

One word that has been on the tip of the tongue of almost every second person on this planet especially since the last decade, and that has completely revolutionized the world in which we are currently living, is none other than technology. 

Under the umbrella of technology, there are several terms with which you must be already familiar, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, blockchain technology, cognitive technology, data processing, data science, big data, and the list is endless. 

Key AI Trends to Look for in 2020

Artificial Intelligence is something everyone is interested in, though the results haven’t been on the positive side every time. In fact, a report says while 9 out of 10 companies invest in it, 70 percent witnessed minimal to no impact by AI. Is AI really that ineffective? Or is it that the technology wasn’t utilized sufficiently?

The year 2020 and beyond completely belong to AI only if the C-suites assess it along with ROIs that have visible results. The leaders will have to take the charge for the efficient usage of the technology and its applicability in their business process.