The Ethics of AI

Whether in daily mobility, in industrial applications, or in the form of assistance solutions at home, artificial intelligence permeates an ever wider range of our lives. It is associated with great hopes, but it also raises fears. Therefore, the call for ethical guidelines regarding the new technologies is becoming increasingly louder.


How Airports Are Using AI to Improve Security

Using AI to Improve Security in Airports

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been taking over businesses in recent years. With AI-powered tools, businesses large and small can speed up processes, become more productive and efficient, and grow their revenue as well. For instance, AI tools can be used for everything from improving customer service to creating engaging marketing content. These powerful AI tools are not only beneficial for businesses but for customers too. And it’s only a matter of time before artificial intelligence is integrated into nearly every part of businesses and our lives.

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In fact, AI-powered tools will soon be heading to airports around the world. According to SITA, 66% of airlines and 79% of airports are planning to implement AI by 2021. But, these airlines and airports aren’t just going to use AI-powered chatbots for customer service. They’re going to use AI to improve security, which could mean a more secure traveling experience and less time standing in airport security lines for you.