How to Invest in AI

Improved agility, better customer experience, reduced costs. These are the top three benefits fueling organizations’ sustained interest in artificial intelligence and machine learning.

If your organization is sitting on data, you’re well-positioned to leverage AI by introducing machine learning into your processes and systems. However, AI and ML are the latest IT buzzwords that can easily be dismissed for fear of being introduced for the sake of it or with the wrong intention.

AI From an Analyst’s Point of View

It’s always interesting to listen to analysts' points of view on tech topics, at least because they are deeply listened to and followed by many key decision-makers. In this article, I’ll use source Gartner, IDC, and the World Economic Forum as my main sources.

What to Do Over the Two Next Years

Analysts seem to be converging on the fact that 2020 will be the year in which AI will start to take off with the first large-scale deployments. The years 2019 and 2020 will therefore be pivotal for the implementation of AI within companies, which must begin to prepare and reflect on the cases of uses that AI could carry.