60+ Surprising AI Statistics for 2024 – Everything You Need to Know

Are you curious about the latest AI statistics and how they might affect your online business?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is impacting everything from how we shop to how we receive medical care. Even for small business owners and website owners, AI has become a powerful tool to enhance customer experiences, streamline operations, and gain a competitive edge.

But with so much happening in the field of AI, it can be tough to keep up with the latest trends and data. That’s why we have gathered the most surprising and insightful artificial intelligence statistics and research for you.

In this article, we will share the latest AI statistics to help you make informed decisions for your business.

Surprising AI Statistics

The Ultimate List of AI Statistics

Here are the top AI statistics we will be covering in this article. You can use the quick links below to skip to your preferred topic:

AI Market Size: Stats About Its Explosive Growth

First up, we will be looking at the impressive growth of the global AI market. These statistics will show you just how big it is today.

1. The global AI market is expected to hit a staggering $184 billion by the end of the year.

This is a 35% increase from the year before, which was around $135 billion.

To understand how big of a deal this is, imagine dividing $184 billion by the number of days in a year. That’s roughly $500 million spent on AI every single day.

What does this mean for you? For small business owners, that means more and more AI tools will be available to help you automate your tasks and save costs. You want to start mastering these platforms to gain a competitive edge and offer more value to your customers.

Pro Tip: Need some AI plugin recommendations? Check out our list of the best WordPress plugins using artificial intelligence.

Let’s put that in perspective. With a US GDP of roughly $25 trillion, 4% translates to a significant $1 trillion annually.

For context, the US spends about $1.2 trillion on social security, which is roughly 5% of GDP. This means that AI investment could reach similar levels to a major government program.

3. The release of ChatGPT has led to a 58% increase in funding for AI startups.

In total, they were able to secure a whopping $754 in funding.

This surge may lead to a wave of new AI-powered services hitting the market soon. That means you will want to be prepared for new AI-driven solutions that might disrupt your industry. Stay informed about emerging AI trends to adapt and take advantage of them for your business.

For example, digital marketers are using AI to boost their lead-generation efforts. It’s also getting a lot more common to cut graphic design costs by using AI to generate images.

4. The global AI healthcare market is growing at a 37% rate.

Healthcare is leading the charge in AI adoption. And no, it’s not all about robot doctors.

Think smarter scheduling for appointments and surgeries, as well as automated administrative tasks that free up medical professionals’ time for patient care. These are just a few examples of how AI is making healthcare more streamlined and accessible for everyone.

5. China, India, and the UAE are leading AI adoption.

According to IBM's research, China, India, and the UAE are at the forefront, with a whopping 58-59% of companies in these regions actively using AI technology.

According to IBM’s research, China, India, and the UAE are at the forefront, with a whopping 58-59% of companies in these regions actively using AI technology.

This is in stark contrast to nations like Australia (29%) and France (26%), where the AI adoption rate is much lower.

More AI Market Size Statistics

  • Global AI investment is expected to reach $200 billion by 2025.
  • The market for AI-powered hardware and services is projected to hit $90 billion by 2025.
  • Generative AI, a form of AI that can create content, is experiencing explosive growth, with a projected 42% annual growth rate (CAGR) over the next ten years.
  • Forbes received 1,900 submissions for their annual AI 50 list this year, which is double the amount of last year, showcasing the surge in AI startups.
  • The top 5 biggest AI companies are tech giants like Microsoft, Google (Alphabet), NVIDIA, Meta, and Tesla.

AI in the Real World: Usage Statistics

We’ve explored the impressive growth of the AI market, but how does this translate in the real world? Let’s dive into some AI usage statistics to see the impact of AI.

6. 52% of users report using generative AI more now than when they first started.

52% of users report using generative AI more now than when they first started.

This data is from a Salesforce study of 8,000 respondents in the US, UK, Australia, and India. It doesn’t represent the entire population, but it does show how common the use of AI has become.

If you run a software business, then consider incorporating generative AI features into your offerings. This can make your product more user-friendly and appealing to customers.

For instance, SeedProd, a WordPress page builder, has an AI assistant to help users create engaging copy and generate images.

Enter a text prompt for SeedProd AI Assistant

This isn’t surprising, considering the buzz around AI applications like OpenAI’s ChatGPT. That said, some users are not fans of its usage cap and slow performance when a lot of people are using the tool at the same time.

If you’re experiencing these issues, then you can check out our list of the best ChatGPT alternatives for bloggers and marketers.

Other notable players in this space include Gemini (formerly Bard) and Writesonic. They are just as good for creating content for social media or WordPress blog posts.

Not far behind text generation are image generators like Midjourney, video generators, music generators, and voice generators.

8. 62% of adult Americans use voice assistants.

These include tools like Amazon’s Alexa and Apple’s Siri.

The reason for this popularity? Convenience. 86% of smart speaker owners agree their devices make life easier by allowing them to complete tasks with just their voice.

But these tools go beyond that. For people with hearing disabilities, voice assistants can be a powerful tool for accessibility.

If you want to optimize your site for users with hearing disabilities, then you can add a voice search capability. For more information, check out our guide on how to add voice search in WordPress.

More Real-World AI Adoption Statistics

  • 65% of users of AI content generation apps are Gen Z or Millennials.
  • 72% of people using generative AI tools are employed.
  • The top 50 AI tools globally have an average of 2 billion visits each month.
  • Around 80% of traffic to the top 50 AI tools comes from people directly entering the website address.
  • The average visit to an AI tool lasts roughly 12 and a half minutes.
  • Only 11.4% of the traffic to the top 50 AI tools comes from organic searches.
  • With 5.5 billion users, the US has the highest number of people accessing AI tools worldwide (about 23% of all global traffic to AI platforms).
  • ChatGPT’s deep learning algorithms and natural language processing technologies (NLP) are estimated to cost around $700,000 per day to run.
  • AI-powered Facebook post recommendations have driven a 7% increase in overall time spent on the social media network.

AI in Business: Use Cases and Statistics

Now that we’ve seen the surge in AI usage overall, let’s see how businesses are capitalizing on this technology.

9. 54% of companies now use AI in at least one function.

A recent McKinsey study found that 913 out of 1,684 companies across various regions, industries, and sizes now actively use AI.

The most common applications are marketing and sales, product development, and customer service. These areas directly impact your bottom line and revenue, so it’s no wonder businesses are embracing AI’s potential.

The takeaway for you? Don’t get left behind. As AI adoption continues to rise, your competitors may be using these tools to gain a significant edge.

10. Chatbots can save businesses up to $20 million globally.

Chatbots can save businesses up to $20 million globally.

Customer service can be a time-consuming task, and hiring a team of support agents can be expensive. That’s why many businesses are turning to AI chatbots to improve their customer experience.

Chatbots offer a cost-effective solution to providing 24/7 customer support. They can answer frequently asked questions, streamline simple tasks, and even direct customers to the appropriate resources.

If you are interested in using chatbots, then we’ve created a tutorial on how to add a chatbot to your WordPress website.

11. On average, 42% of businesses report cost reductions of up to 20% with AI.

That’s a significant saving, but the benefits don’t stop there. 52% of businesses using AI also experience a revenue increase of up to 10%.

Manufacturing, service operations, and marketing and sales are seeing the most benefits. With such promising results, it’s no surprise that AI investments are expected to rise.

12. 40% of companies using AI expect to reskill over 20% of their workforce.

40% of companies using AI expect to reskill over 20% of their workforce.

There’s been a lot of fear surrounding AI causing job losses due to automation. However, businesses are actually more likely to give AI training to their current employees to get them up to speed.

If you’re a freelancer, then it’s a good idea to learn the latest AI skills. Get familiar with the new technologies and AI systems that people usually use in your field so that you look more attractive to employers.

More AI in Business Statistics

  • Small businesses can potentially save up to $35,000 per year by using AI.
  • Over 40% of small businesses have used AI to automate tasks, allowing them and their employees to spend more time on more important activities.
  • According to a Forbes Advisor survey, the most popular business use cases of AI are customer service (56%), cybersecurity (51%), and virtual assistants (47%).
  • Business owners expect AI tools like ChatGPT to increase website traffic (57%), help them with decision-making (48%), and improve their credibility (47%).
  • 82% of business leaders think using ChatGPT to draft messages to colleagues is acceptable.
  • 42% of businesses think the biggest challenge of adopting AI is training employees to use it.

AI in Marketing: Key Statistics That Prove Its Success

One area where AI has proven successful is marketing. Let’s look at some popular ways and stats about how marketers are using AI.

13. On average, AI can save marketers around 2.5 hours per day.

On average, AI can save marketers around 2.5 hours per day.

According to HubSpot, that translates to roughly 25-26 additional workdays per year. This frees up valuable time for marketers to focus on the more strategic aspects of their jobs, like planning, creative endeavors, and team management.

The good news is that you don’t need to be an AI expert to get started. Our guide on using AI to boost your marketing is a great starting point.

14. 53% of marketers use AI to generate content and make minor edits before publishing.

AI writing assistants are getting so good that many marketers only need to make minor edits before hitting publish.

But here’s the thing: AI is powerful, but it’s not a replacement for human expertise. While AI can churn out content quickly, it’s important to remember that it’s not perfect. AI-generated content can sometimes be inaccurate or reflect hidden biases in the data it uses.

Think of it this way. AI can help you write a blog post on the best coffee-making methods, but it can’t replace the knowledge and experience of a barista. Search engines value high-quality, informative content, and that often requires a human touch.

For more information, you can check out whether AI-generated SEO content is bad.

15. 25% of marketers use AI to generate product descriptions.

Writing product descriptions might seem straightforward, but it can be tricky. You need to highlight the features that will convince customers to buy, and it’s easy to get stuck in a rut using the same phrases over and over.

That’s where AI can be a helpful assistant. It can’t write perfect descriptions on its own, but it can be a great brainstorming buddy. AI can suggest ideas to get you started and even recommend persuasive phrases that resonate with your target audience.

Additionally, you can use AI to generate powerful headlines for your product landing pages. Check out our guide on how to use AI to write headlines for step-by-step instructions.

16. A clothing company increased conversions by 50% with AI-powered personalization.

Norrøna, a Scandinavian clothing brand, built a comprehensive, personalized recommendation platform using AI by analyzing customer data and using machine learning.

The results were impressive: a 187% increase in click-through rate and a 50% conversion boost, not to mention significant time saved on manual tasks.

Personalization doesn’t have to be complex. The secret lies in understanding your customers. By tracking customers’ journeys through your eCommerce website, you can gain valuable insights into their browsing behavior and preferences.

Once you understand your customers’ needs, you can suggest complementary products or collections through upsells and order bumps.

For example, if someone browses a ski jacket in your online store, then recommending matching ski pants is a natural cross-selling opportunity.

17. 44% of marketers think that using AI will have a positive impact on SEO, while 5% think the opposite.

44% of marketers think that using AI will have a positive impact on SEO, while 5% think the opposite.

On the other hand, the majority (55%) think AI will not significantly affect their SEO strategy.

Ultimately, whether AI benefits your SEO efforts comes down to how you use it. For example, AI can suggest ways to improve your content or even mimic the way your target audience searches to help you target the right keywords.

However, it’s important to remember that AI is still under development. Double-checking information generated by AI, especially for research purposes, is very important.

For more information, you can read our guide on how to use AI to boost your SEO.

More AI in Marketing Statistics

  • 9 in 10 businesses are using AI to personalize the customer experience.
  • Over 60% of business leaders who personalize the customer experience report better customer relationships and retention.
  • 21% of marketers use AI to summarize text into key points for repurposing content.
  • 45% of marketers use AI to analyze their campaigns and turn that marketing data into easy-to-understand reports.
  • 37% of marketers use AI to analyze their blog posts, helping them understand what’s working and what’s not.
  • 28% of marketers leverage AI to generate email marketing copy.
  • 31% of marketers use AI to create social media posts.
  • 74% of marketers believe AI helps their content rank higher in search engine results pages.
  • 84% of marketers say AI helps them create content that better matches what people are searching for online.
  • Only 4% of marketers use AI to generate content without editing it themselves before publishing.

Expert Tip: Want to make the most of AI for your marketing strategy? Check out our ultimate list of ChatGPT prompts for bloggers, marketers, and social media professionals.

AI in Web Development: How Web Pros Use AI

AI is making waves in the world of web development with tools that can improve code, generate creative content, and even offer data-driven suggestions on how to design your WordPress website.

Let’s dive into the statistics to see how AI is impacting web development.

18. 93% of web designers use AI to design a website.

93% of web designers use AI to design a website.

So, how are designers using this powerful tool? The HubSpot survey reveals some interesting trends.

Over half (58%) are using AI to generate images and other visual assets, saving them time in creating initial concepts. Surprisingly, 50% are using AI to create entire web page designs, although human expertise is still crucial for the final touches.

Even user experience (UX) is getting an AI boost, with 20% of designers using AI to identify potential usability issues and 40% to track user engagement.

19. 9 out of 10 digital agencies have saved up to $10,000 by using AI.

According to a survey by Duda, a website builder, AI is mostly used to update existing pages (59%), do content creation (55%), generate visuals for client websites (53%), optimize websites for search engines (40%), and even build entire websites (25%).

As the technology gets better, expect to see the number of agencies creating websites from scratch with AI get even higher.

If you run a digital agency, then AI should already be in your toolkit by now. AI lets you work faster, save money, and ultimately deliver even better results for your clients.

20. The AI website builder market is growing 32.9% per year.

The AI website builder market is growing 32.9% per year.

AI website builders are tools that let you create websites from scratch using AI. They’re easy to use for beginners and can save you tons of time.

Plus, AI website builders are often more affordable than hiring a web developer, making them ideal for small businesses.

SeedProd is a great example of a page builder with AI features. It can generate content and images in seconds and translate your website into multiple languages.

Edit image with AI

Besides that, Hostinger also has an AI-powered website builder you can check out.

21. Over 50% of users cannot spot AI-designed websites from human-made ones.

In a Sortlist study, respondents had to guess which websites were made by AI and which ones were built by humans. The AI-generated versions were so good that they fooled many participants.

If you’re considering using an AI builder, you don’t have to worry about your website looking unprofessional. Platforms like SeedProd offer a wide range of stylish, professional-looking templates that can help you create a website that impresses your target audience.

More AI Web Development Statistics

  • 49% of web designers use AI to try out new ways to design their websites.
  • 55% of web designers say they are encouraged to use AI by their clients or companies, and they have AI policies in place.
  • Despite speeding up their work, 38% of web designers are slightly concerned about AI’s impact on their job security.
  • The most popular AI tools among agencies are ChatGPT (53%) and Dall-E (47%).
  • Most agencies measure AI’s success by how much it has saved them money (32%) and made business operations more efficient (26%).

Impact of AI: Expectations and Concerns

AI offers exciting possibilities, but it also raises some important considerations. Let’s look at the concerns and expectations surrounding the impact of AI.

22. Generative AI can contribute up to $4.4 trillion to the global economy.

That’s more than enough to buy every single person on Earth a brand-new smartphone.

Of course, we’re already seeing the benefits in real time, with AI-powered customer service tools and AI assistants that can generate entire code snippets for you based on your instructions. Expect the current generation of AI tools to become even smarter, faster, and more helpful.

23. Two-thirds of jobs could be partially automated by AI.

Two-thirds of jobs could be partially automated by AI.

In other words, AI won’t completely cause job shortages, but it will help you do your job faster and more efficiently.

Additionally, one study by economist David Autor found that new technologies have always changed the job market. Apparently, 60% of today’s occupations didn’t even exist in the previous century.

24. AI advancements will create 69 million new jobs in the coming years.

AI advancements will create 69 million new jobs in the coming years.

Yes, AI can handle repetitive tasks, but it’s not good at creativity, problem-solving, or emotional intelligence.

Take customer service, for example. AI chatbots can answer simple questions, but when it comes to complex issues or personalized service, human customer service reps are still irreplaceable.

That’s why business phone support services remain a popular support channel. This allows consumers to get direct assistance for complex issues that chatbots simply can’t provide.

25. 80% of users worry that AI is being used for cybersecurity attacks.

As AI is a relatively new technology, people are concerned about it being used for malicious purposes, such as identity theft and hacking.

Considering AI’s power, this concern is valid. That’s why governments are considering creating global regulations for AI development and use.

26. 22% of business leaders are concerned about data privacy when using generative AI.

One of the biggest drawbacks of using generative AI is that the prompts and data you provide might be used to train the AI model itself.

There’s a potential risk of this data being leaked or exposed, which could be a significant concern for businesses, especially those dealing with sensitive information.

For this reason, it’s important to be mindful of the data you use with generative AI tools. For highly sensitive information, it’s best to stick with tried-and-tested methods. However, for tasks that generate public-facing content, generative AI can be a valuable tool.

Pro Tip: Want to protect your WordPress site? Read our ultimate guide on how to secure WordPress for expert guidance.

More Impact of AI Statistics

  • More than 40% of business owners worry about becoming too reliant on AI technologies.
  • Up to 29% of customer service jobs in the US could be automated with chatbots.
  • Only 21% of companies are mitigating the risks of using generative AI.
  • A third of businesses are worried about AI giving misinformation to their employees or their customers.
  • By 2025, 109% of automobiles are expected to have AI-driven, self-driving technologies.


AiThority, Business Insider, Deloitte, Duda, Forbes, Global News Wire, Goldman Sachs, Hootsuite, HubSpot, IBM, McKinsey, Mitre, NPR, PWC, Precedence Research, Salesforce, Sortlist, Statista, Tech.co, Twilio Segment, Workable, and ZDNET.

We hope this ultimate list of AI statistics can help you make informed decisions about using AI for your business and projects.

Looking for more interesting statistics? Check out other research articles below:

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post 60+ Surprising AI Statistics for 2024 – Everything You Need to Know first appeared on WPBeginner.

Is AI Content Bad for WordPress SEO? (Expert Insights & Tips)

AI (artificial intelligence) is quickly becoming an essential tool in marketing and content creation since it helps bloggers and website owners be a lot more productive.

However, with so many people creating content with the help of AI, how will it affect SEO?

As the president of one of the most popular SEO toolkits for WordPress, I’ve been closely observing and analyzing the impact of AI content on search engine rankings.

In this article, I will answer whether AI content is bad for SEO and share some insights and tips on using AI to your advantage.

Note: This is a guest post by Benjamin Rojas, the president of All in One SEO, the best WordPress SEO plugin on the market. This is an expert column that we publish every Thursday, where we invite a WordPress expert to share their experiences with our readers.

Expert advice on using AI content and its impact on WordPress SEO

I will cover a few different topics in this post, and you can use the quick links below to jump to the section you want to read:

What Is AI Content?

AI content means text, images, videos, and other forms of content that are created by using an artificial intelligence tool like ChatGPT, Google’s Gemini, DALL-E, Microsoft Copilot, and more.

AI tools like ChatGPT and Google’s Gemini make it super easy to generate entire articles and essays in just minutes.

Similarly, AI image-generation tools like DALL-E, Midjourney, Firefly, and more can generate visual artwork for your website or blog.

All of these AI tools make it very easy for content creators to make new content on almost any topic under the sun much more quickly than they could before.

Now, before I explain how good or bad this content is for SEO, I want to talk about how AIs generate the content.

How Does AI Generate Content?

AI generating content

AI tools like ChatGPT, Gemini, Copilot, and others are advanced software trained using a technique called ‘Machine Learning’.

This technique involves feeding AI models lots of data from various sources, including websites, books, magazines, and other sources.

Unfortunately, the vast amount of data used for training AIs is not always factually correct, creative, coherent, or even good.

Developers try to address this by providing better quality data and teaching AIs to assign weightage scores to different data sources. However, AIs can still learn from incorrect, incoherent, and low-quality sources of information.

They are also trained in pattern recognition, which can sometimes lead to an AI condition called hallucination, where the AI could make up its own facts.

That’s why I always recommend double-checking any information generated by AI software because it could be inaccurate. And publishing false information on your WordPress website or blog could make your brand look unprofessional and even hurt your SEO.

Is AI-Generated Content Bad for SEO?

In an earlier guest column, I explained Google’s E-E-A-T guidelines for search.

E-E-A-T ven diagram

E-E-A-T stands for:

  • Expertise
  • Experience
  • Authoritativeness
  • Trustworthiness

Essentially, you will need to meet all of these criteria within your content to be ranked high on the search engine results pages (SERPs) in Google.

Content that is entirely generated by AI may not be able to satisfy these ranking signals for several reasons.

First, AI programs are trained on data from various sources. These sources don’t reflect your ‘Experience’ and ‘Expertise’ as the author because they are coming from third-party sites.

That’s why I always advise my customers to include their firsthand experiences within their online content.

Secondly, you need to consider the ‘Trustworthiness’ of information provided by AI. AI-generated content is not always accurate, could reflect bias, and can even make up things.

Lastly, AI cannot show the authoritativeness of a human author who has gained acknowledgment, earned credibility, and has the credentials to be an authority on a subject matter.

Does this mean that AI content is against Google Search guidelines?

The short answer is no, and here is what Google has to say about that:

Appropriate use of AI or automation is not against our guidelines. This means that it is not used to generate content primarily to manipulate search rankings, which is against our spam policies.

Google Search Guidelines on AI Usage

Google will not be punishing websites for using AI content. However, if AI and automation tools are used solely to manipulate search rankings, then that violates their spam policies.

This means that content entirely generated by AI may not be as good for SEO on its own.

It is missing one very important element: the human factor.

How to Create SEO-Friendly AI Content

In my opinion, it would be unwise to avoid using AI in your content creation process. That’s because it offers plenty of benefits, such as:

  • Reducing the amount of time you would spend on research.
  • Helping you come up with quick ideas or a solid outline for your content.
  • Overcoming writer’s block by letting AI give up a few samples to use as a starting point.

But to make this content actually good for SEO, you will need to use AI as an assistant rather than a content generator.

This allows you to add your experience and authority to the content while still using AI to do the same work but more quickly and efficiently.

I recommend using AI in your content creation process in the following ways:

  • Generate article ideas.
  • Create article outlines and let AI help you fill the content gaps.
  • Proofreading, paraphrasing, adjusting style and tone of content.
  • Let AI work on portions of content to extend, summarize, or optimize your work.

To summarize, adding your human experience and expertise can make AI content good for SEO.

With this in mind, I will now provide some practical examples of using AI tools to achieve this.

1. Using AI to Generate Headlines

Did you know that 4 out of 5 people will not click on your website even when it appears on the first page of search results?

Headlines or SEO titles help your article gain more clicks in search results. This is what your users will first see when they are looking for content in Google.

Effective headline in search results

However, for your content to stand out, it will need to have an eye-catching and descriptive title.

There is a character limit for SEO titles, plus your competitors may already be using the most obvious headlines. This makes it difficult to write a powerful headline that entices users to click on it.

Luckily, this is where AI can help.

Because AI programs are remarkably good at recognizing and generating patterns, they can help you generate several excellent ideas at once.

For instance, you can use All in One SEO, which includes a built-in AI title generator. It uses OpenAI’s ChatGPT to generate highly engaging headlines.

Generate headlines using AI

Note: You will need the premium version of OpenAI and integrate it with the AIOSEO plugin to use this feature.

Simply click on the bot icon next to the ‘Post Title’, and it will generate up to five ideas. They all automatically use the most up-to-date best practices for writing effective headlines.

Pick an AI generated title

You can then pick one of the titles that would work best for your article or generate new titles until you find one that you like.

Similarly, you can use the same feature to write an SEO meta description as well.

Alternative tools: Headline Analyzer | Semrush AI Text Generator

2. Using AI Tools to Adjust Tone and Style

One of the biggest mistakes that website owners and bloggers make is not fully understanding their intended audience when creating content.

AI tools can help you get this right.

These tools have spent countless hours and have learned from millions of gigabytes of data. They are incredibly talented in understanding language patterns.

For example, you could use Grammarly to adjust your content for your target audience. It comes with an AI-powered writing assistant, which allows you to choose the tone and style of your content.

Grammarly optimizing tone and style

Simply click on the Grammarly icon on the screen, then write a prompt like ‘I want you to make suggestions to make the content sound more persuasive’.

Grammarly learns from your tone and style as you continue to use it. Then, it will identify your brand ‘voice’ and show you the results.

Grammarly learns your voice and tone

You can also instruct Grammarly to rewrite any text in your voice by simply selecting the text and typing the prompt ‘Rewrite in my voice.’

Alternatively, you could also use ChatGPT or Gemini to do something similar. Here is a quick prompt you can try:

I need you to act as a professional proofreader and experienced copywriter. First, you will ask me to provide you with the text that I want to optimize. Once you have received the text, instead of answering, you will then ask me to describe the tone and style I would prefer for the text. After I provide you with tone and style input, you will then analyze the text and make changes to it so that it matches the desired tone and style. You will highlight the changes you have made. Show a summary at the end describing what kind of tone and style the original text had and what changes you made to make it match the style and tone I asked for.

I also find this handy list of useful ChatGPT prompts quite helpful. It has some great prompt writing examples for bloggers, writers, and marketers.

3. Optimizing Content Using AI

In most industries, your content will be competing with other top articles, blog posts, and pages for search rankings.

Search engines look for the most helpful content for a user’s search intent and rank it accordingly.

But how do you know if your content addresses the user intent while being the absolutely best resource for that keyword?

This is another area where AI can help. Its powerful capability to quickly analyze patterns can help you find the missing pieces in your content.

AI platforms like ChatGPT or Gemini can help you compare your draft and make suggestions for inclusion.

For example, here is a prompt that I find works well with ChatGPT 4 and Gemini:

Ask me to provide you with the text of an article I am working on. After receiving the text, ask me to provide you with a search term I am trying to target. After receiving the search term, compare my text to the top 10 search results for the search term I provided. Now, I need you to make suggestions to fill in the content gaps in the text to make it better than the current top 10 search results.

For more specific tools, you could try Clearscope.

It is an AI-powered content optimization software that helps you optimize your content to the next level.

Clearscope uses AI to help you fill content gaps

It uses AI to compare other top-ranking content for a keyword. It can generate an outline, find the questions people are looking for, and more.

You can also paste your content, and it will show you a score and missing keywords and phrases you can add to improve it.

In fact, my own team often uses it to optimize our blog content for search engines.

Conclusion: Is AI Content Good for SEO?

Overall, AI content is not bad for SEO, as long as you are providing your human input. That’s because any content generated entirely with AI does not reflect your unique perspective, experiences, and expertise, so it could harm your website’s SEO.

In my experience working daily with SEO best practices, I have seen firsthand the ever-evolving landscape of search engine optimization and the rising importance of AI.

That’s why I recommend using AI as an assistant tool in your workflow to help you create better content more quickly. However, it should not be a complete replacement for your own voice and content.

I hope this article answered some of your questions about whether AI content is bad for SEO. You may also want to look at these tools for using AI in WordPress SEO or check out expert tips on using AI in marketing.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post Is AI Content Bad for WordPress SEO? (Expert Insights & Tips) first appeared on WPBeginner.

54 Best ChatGPT Prompts for Bloggers, Marketers, and Social Media

Are you looking for ChatGPT prompts ideas to improve blog and marketing strategy?

ChatGPT prompts are the instructions that you type in ChatGPT AI to speed up your workflow. You can use ChatGPT to draft social media posts, come up with blog post ideas, and so much more. The key to getting best results with AI is to make your ChatGPT prompts better and more specific.

In this article, we’ll share the best ChatGPT prompt ideas for bloggers, marketers, and social media, so you can improve your marketing results.

Ultimate list of ChatGPT prompt ideas

This article will cover a lot of topics, so you can click on any of the links below to jump to a particular section that best suits your needs.

What is a ChatGPT Prompt?

A ChatGPT prompt is the starting point of a conversation in the form of a question or instruction given to an AI language model like ChatGPT.

ChatGPT is an AI-based software that uses machine-learning technology called Natural Language Processing.

To see it in action, you need to sign up for ChatGPT by visiting the OpenAI website.

Signup for ChatGPT

After that, you’ll see a simple chatroom. At the bottom, you can input your prompt in plain language.

For instance, ‘How old is the Universe?’ and hit the send button.

Entering your text prompt in ChatGPT

ChatGPT AI will then respond to your question in plain language.

The answer length and style may vary based on the prompt you entered.

ChatGPT conversation view

Writing better prompts allows AI to narrow down its approach and provide you with more specific details.

If you want to start a blog, then ChatGPT can help you find article ideas, the article outline, rough drafts, SEO optimization, proofreading, research, and more.

Many bloggers and marketers are exploring opportunities to generate content ideas using AI.

By learning some quick prompt ideas, you can speed up the process and unlock maximum benefits from ChatGPT AI to improve your workflow.

Note: ChatGPT and other AI apps are usually not able to create content that can be simply copied and pasted without any human edits. When you use an AI tool, be sure to go through the results thoroughly to be sure that all information is correct and that the messages are appropriate for your audience.

How to Write Better ChatGPT Prompts?

ChatGPT uses natural language processing which means you can write your prompts in a plain conversational style.

For instance, instead of typing a smaller sentence, you can instruct GPT on how to respond, which style to use, length limitations, ask for examples, and more.

Instead of asking ‘What is Marketing?’ a better prompt would be:

‘Write an essay on marketing for beginners, in a 1 3 1 format, emphasize the role of social media and search engine marketing, and persuade users to have a positive image of search engine marketing.’

Longer prompt example

While writing your prompts in natural language might seem really simple, many beginners may still be unsure about where to start. It can take a lot of practice to find a style of prompt that works best for your projects.

That being said, let’s take a look at some easy and quick ChatGPT prompt ideas bloggers and marketers and marketers can use to succeed.

Using AIPRM Extension to Generate ChatGPT Prompts

The easiest way to generate ChatGPT prompts is by using AIPRM for ChatGPT.

It is a Google Chrome browser extension with a curated list of ChatGPT prompts for SEO, blogging, content creation, and marketing.

Go to the AIPRM for ChatGPT extension page on the Chrome web store and then click the Add to Chrome button.


Once the extension is added to your browser, it will automatically take you to the ChatGPT website.

If it doesn’t, you can click on the extensions button in your browser menu and click on the AIPRM for ChatGPT to launch it in a new tab.

AIPRM ChatGPT prompts

You’ll need to sign in to your OpenAI account. After that, you will see a curated list of ChatGPT prompts.

At the time of writing this article, AIPRM had 1600+ ChatGPT prompts.

You can browse the prompts by Topic and Activity, sort them, or search for specific prompts from the top toolbar.

Browse ChatGPT prompts

To use a prompt, simply click on it and it will appear in the prompt toolbar below.

If the prompt you are using requires user input, then you can provide it in the chatbox.

For instance, here it wants us to enter a keyword that we would like to target to make a content calendar.

User input requried for the prompt

You can also choose language, style, and tone for your response.

Hit the enter button after entering your input and ChatGPT will respond to the prompt.

You can regenerate a response or ask ChatGPT to modify or extend it by adding your instructions into chat.

You won’t be able to see the prompt that AIRPM uses at first. However, refreshing the page or switching back and forth between chats will reveal the actual prompt at the beginning of the chat.

Switch chats

AIPRM makes it extremely easy to find detailed, tested, and well-written prompts that you can use on your WordPress website.

Best ChatGPT Prompt Ideas for Bloggers and Marketers

With so many prompt ideas available with AIPRM extension, it could still be a bit overwhelming for users to find or use a prompt.

Here is our top pick of the most useful ChatGPT prompt ideas for blogs, SEO, and marketing.

Blogging ChatGPT Prompts

1. Generate a month-long content calendar targeting specific keywords.

“Make me a month-long calendar for the following keywords [Enter Keywords here]. Add [number of articles] articles each week, and use persuasive SEO-friendly titles for each article.”

2. Generate Blog Post Ideas

“Create a list of at least 10 blog post ideas on the following topics: [Enter topics separated by commas]. Suggest SEO-Friendly title for each post, and use an emotional and persuasive tone in post titles.”

3. Generate SEO title and meta description for a blog post

“Suggest at least 5 SEO-friendly titles and meta descriptions for the following blog post [Enter your blog post text here]. Use a persuasive and intriguing tone.”

4. Suggest tags for a blog post

“Suggest at least 5 tags for the following blog post [Enter your blog post text here].”

5. Generate related long-tail keywords for a blog post

“I want you to generate a list of long-tail keywords that are related to the following blog post [Enter blog post text here].”

6. Create an article outline

“Write an article outline for the following topic [Enter topic or blog post title here].”

7. Write an article on a specific topic

“Write an article on the following topic [Enter topic here]. The article should be at least [number of words] words in length. Use a persuasive tone and pretend to be an expert on the topic.”

8. Outrank a competitor for a specific keyword

“Write an article based on the topics covered in the following article [Enter competitor URL here]. Make the article more comprehensive than the URL provided by adding details that the source URL has missed or didn’t cover. Answer the most commonly asked questions about the topic at the end of the article.”

9. Write a motivational blog post

“I want you to write a motivational blog post about overcoming [fear/failure/challenge goes here].”

10. Generate call-to-action ideas

“I want you to come up with 5 effective call-to-action button ideas based on the contents of the following URL [Your website or landing page URL goes here].”

11. Generate a pros and cons outline for a topic

“Write down an essay on the pros and cons of [Your topic goes here].”

12. Write questions for an interview blog post

“Write interview questions for a blog post with [Guest Name] who is an expert in [Guest profession or area of expertise].”

13. Proofread a text and optimize it for the focus keyword

“I want you to act as SEO editor and copywriter. I need you to proofread and analyze the following text and optimize it for the focus keyword. I also need you to correct any grammar mistakes you find in the article. Ask me to provide you with the article text and focus keyword.”

14. Reuse a blog post for social media content

“I want you to act as a topic authority and social media influencer. I will provide you with the text or URL of an article. You need to summarize it and create content for social media platforms. Ask me to provide you with the text or URL of the article.”

15. Generate a list of tools to mention in a blog post

“Create a list of the most popular tools used by the [Field of Interest] professionals with the pros and cons of each tool.”

16. Write a conclusion for a blog post

“I want you to pretend to be a topic expert, and write a persuasive conclusion for the following blog post. [Your blog post text goes here].”

17. Come up with best practices for using something

“Pretend to be a topic expert and write down an essay on the best practices to follow when using [mention the tool or topic here].”

18. Write a comparison blog post

“I want you to pretend to be a topic expert and compare [Item 1] vs [Item 2] with pros and cons. I need you to show that [item 1] is better than [item 2] and persuade the reader to have a positive feeling about [item 1].”

19. Build reader personas to learn more about a target audience

“Build a reader persona for a blog post titled “[Your blog post title goes here].”

20. Polish your content to look more creative

“Analyze and improve the following content to make it more creative. Use an [Select tone style] tone and write in a casual and conversational style. “[Your content goes here]”

Social Media ChatGPT Prompts

21. Generate captions for Instagram posts, reels, and reels.

“Write an Instagram post description or caption using a few sentences for the post about “[Enter a description of what your Instagram post is about]”. Start the caption with an intriguing sentence and don’t make the first sentence a question. Use emojis in each sentence and add a paragraph after two sentences to make it more readable. Add the most popular hashtags related to the post.”

22. Write an Instagram post about a product / service

“Write an Instagram post promoting [product/services] using a few sentences. Start the post with a captivating sentence and end with a sentence including a call to action to check the link in bio. Use emojis and add the related hashtags at the bottom.”

23. Generate Instagram carousel ideas with slide descriptions

“Write me an Instagram carousel topic idea example. Also, write slide by slide with titles. Explain each slide with the exact content example I should use, not instructions. Also, give me images for every slide that explain all the titles for [Your Instagram Carousel Topic Here]. Do not include content instructions, instead, only write me an actionable text that I can just copy and paste.

After writing the carousel slides. Write me the Instagram post description/caption in just a few sentences. Format every new sentence with new lines so the text is more readable.

Include emojis and the best Instagram hashtags for that post.
The first caption sentence should be intriguing and captivating to the readers.”

24. Write Twitter Bio

“I want you to write an interesting Twitter bio for a [Your brand niche and industry / Profession ].”

25. Suggest Twitter Header Image Ideas

“Give me at least 5 ideas to create a Twitter header image for a [Profession/Industry niche].”

26. Generate Tweets for a specific profession, niche, or business

“I want you to act as a social media manager and come up with at least 20 Tweets for a [Profession/ Business niche or industry] include popular hashtags in each tweet.”

27. Generate a viral Twitter thread

“I am looking for a Twitter thread idea that will go viral and showcase [mention your service, product. or blog] to the ideal customer persona in a creative and engaging way. Include hashtags and emojis in each tweet.”

28. Generate a Twitter content strategy

“I need you to act as my social media manager promoting [Describe your business or brand and what it does]. Generate a Twitter content calendar for the next two weeks. Generate at least three tweets for each day targeting relevant customer persona. Include hashtags and emojis in each tweet.”

29. Generate YouTube Video Description

“Write a unique and intriguing description for a YouTube video titled [Enter your video title here]. Pretend you are an expert on the niche and give your personal best advice in 1st person. Explain why you thought sharing this video would be useful and what users will get out of watching this video.”

30. Generate an entire YouTube video script

“Create an attractive and captivating YouTube video script that is informative. I want you to create a persuasive headline, write a video description repeating keywords used in the headline, cite relevant keywords and tags, create the youtube video script and suggest ideas for a persuasive thumbnail to use for the video, from the following description: [Your video description].”

31. Create thumbnail Ideas for Your YouTube video

“Give me at least 3 ideas for creating an interesting and persuasive thumbnail for a YouTube video using the following description: [Enter your video description].”

32. Generate a YouTube content strategy with video ideas

“I want you to act as my social media manager promoting [mention your brand and what services or products it offers] and come up with a content calendar for our YouTube channel. Give me a monthly calendar of posts with at least one video each week. Suggest video ideas with detailed descriptions of what that particular video will be about. Include keywords and hashtags for each video.”

33. Generate a LinkedIn content calendar with post ideas

“I want you to act as my social media manager for my [Explain your business, brand, profession, and what you typically write about]. I need you to create a month-long content calendar with at least one post each day. Write the post for me including the relevant hashtags and use emojis. Write posts specifically for LinkedIn. My target audience is [companies/professionals interested in my brand product or services].”

34. Write a LinkedIn About section

“I want you to act as my social media manager for my [Explain your business, brand, or profession and what you usually post about]. Give me at least 5 examples of an interesting About section for my LinkedIn profile.”

35. Write a caption for Facebook Photo

“I want you to act as my social media manager and write at least 5 captions for a Facebook photo about [explain what the photo is about]. Use hashtags and emojis in the caption.”

36. Write a Facebook Ad Copy

“I want you to act as a professional copyrighter with experience in writing high-converting Facebook ads. I want you to write a Facebook ad copy for the following products/services [Describe your brand name, products and services you offer]. Produce ad copy that is between 100-150 words, with an attention-grabbing headline and a strong call to action that persuades users to take action. I want you to research the potential target audience and optimize the ad copy so that it appeals to that particular target audience.”

37. Plan a Facebook content strategy

“I want you to act as my social media manager promoting [explain your business brand and what you offer]. I need you to provide me with a two-week content calendar for Facebook posts that are highly engaging and generate emotional responses from the readers. Add one post for each day, using hashtags and emojis.”

E-Commerce ChatGPT Prompts

38. Write an eCommerce product description

“I want you to pretend that you are an eCommerce SEO expert who writes compelling product descriptions. I will provide you with one product title and I want you to come up with three distinct content sections for product description, each section should have its own headline.”

39. Write an eCommerce product short description

“I want you to pretend that you are an eCommerce SEO expert who writes compelling product descriptions. I will provide you with one product title and I want you to come up with a short product description of between 250-300 characters.”

40. Generate product ideas for your eCommerce store

“I want you to pretend as a product specialist for an eCommerce store with a specialty in finding and sourcing products to sell online. My store sells [define your store industry and product types] and I need you to come up with a list of [number of product ideas] product ideas that I can sell on my online store.”

41. Write an SEO Optimized landing page copy for a product

“I want you to pretend as a copywriter specializing in writing landing page copy for better SEO rankings and higher conversions. I need you to write the landing page copy for [Your product name]. I want you to start with an intriguing headline to captivate the target audience followed by a call to action button. Below that I want you to add three content sections with different headings each targeting a specific keyword for the product. I need you to end the landing page copy with a FAQ section answering at least 5 customer questions about the product.”

42. Create and sort products into product categories

“I need you to sort the products into product categories. Ask me to provide you with a list of products. Use hierarchal categories and create child categories as needed. Products can be placed into multiple categories. Show which products are placed under a category. Write a catchy short description for each category. Use this product list [enter your product list].

43. Create an ad strategy for an eCommerce product

“I want you to act as an advertiser. You will create a campaign to promote a product or service. You will choose a target audience, develop key messages and slogans, select the media channels for promotion, and decide on any additional activities needed to reach your goals. The product you will be promoting is: [Enter your product title and description here].”

ChatGPT Prompts for Businesses

44. Polish an email text to be more effective and professional

“Fix this email to write it in a human voice in perfect English, as someone with a charismatic personality, that is extremely professional and concise with their language. Also, give at least three samples to use as the email subject. [Enter your email text here].”

45. Write a job posting ad for hiring

“I want you to act as a recruitment manager specializing in finding talented professionals for a job. I need you to write a job posting for [job title] we are offering the following benefits [mention benefits here] and we are looking for [job requirements such as experience and skills].”

46. Generate a business model canvas

“I need you to help me create a business model canvas for a [explain what your business is about] company. Organize your answers in a table that reproduces the original format used in consulting. I want you to write detailed answers that are focused on adding value and act as an expert consultant in digital marketing.”

47. Generate logo design ideas

“I want you to act as a graphic designer specializing in brand identity development. I want you to come up with detailed ideas for unique and interesting logos for a business. Come up with at least 3 ideas and mention what is unique about each idea and how it is different from the other two ideas. The business name is [Enter your company name] and it offers [mention products/services]. I need you to present your ideas in a format that can be given to a professional graphic designer as initial instructions.”

48. Instantly generate domain name ideas

“I need you to help me find domain name ideas for a business. My company name is [enter business name] and it offers [products/services/industry]. Only give .com domain name ideas. domain name should not be more than 8 characters long.”

49. Write an email to terminate an employee

“Write an email to an employee informing them that they are being fired for the following reason [mention the reason for firing]. Make the email text sound professional and polite. Use a sympathetic and kind tone and thank the employee for their work.”

50. Write a job offer email

“I want you to write a job offer email using the following parameters:
1. Candidate name
2. Job position
3. Company name
4. Salary offered
Ask me to input these parameters one by one before writing the email.”

Miscellaneous ChatGPT Prompts

51. Generate a cover letter for a job application

“I need you to write me a professional cover letter to send with a job application using the following parameters:
1. Job Title
2. Years of Experience
3. Skills to mention
Ask me to input each parameter one by one before writing the cover letter.”

52. Plan your day

“I need you to help me plan my day. Starting at 9 am and ending at 5 pm. Ask me to input the task I will be performing and then ask me for the start time and end time for that particular task. Repeat until the end time of a task is 5 pm. Create a table and add one row for each task with start time, end time, and task detail as columns.”

53. TL:DR Summarize a text or article

“I want you to act as a very proficient researcher. I want you to pretend that you can extract all relevant information from a text or a URL I give you. Your task is to extract all facts and summarize the text in all relevant aspects, presented in bullet points and a 1-liner summary, pick a good matching emoji for each bullet point, and then add it after the 1-liner summary. Ask me to input text or provide you a URL.”

54. Generate a list of popular websites on any topic

“I want you to act as a topic expert. I will provide you with a topic and you will provide me with a list of at least 10 most influential websites on that particular topic. Present the websites in a table with serial number, website name, website URL, 1-liner website summary as columns. Ask me to provide you with a topic.”

Bonus WordPress AI Plugins & Tools Using ChatGPT

AI usage is becoming increasingly popular among marketers and bloggers. As the most popular blogging platform, WordPress has tons of add-ons and plugins that you can use to speed things up.

1. All in One SEO for WordPress

As the best WordPress SEO plugin on the market, All in One SEO comes with built-in ChatGPT integration to generate SEO-friendly headlines and meta descriptions.

Add your SEO post title

2. Uncanny Automator

Uncanny Automator is the best WordPress automation plugin on the market. It allows your WordPress plugins to talk to each other.

It comes with OpenAI integration that allows you to connect your WordPress website to ChatGPT.

Uncanny Automator OpenAI integration

You can then use ChatGPT with WordPress or your plugins to automatically perform certain tasks.

For instance, when a user submits a contact form you can use ChatGPT to create a new post in WordPress.

3. GPT AI Power

Allows you to generate content inside your WordPress admin area. It allows you to choose the writing style, tone, call to action, and more.

You can then copy the content and paste it into the block editor to create a new post or page and further editing.

GPT AI Power plugin settings

For details, see our tutorial on how to write content using AI in WordPress.

4. Imaajinn AI

Finding royalty-free images for blog posts is always a challenge for bloggers. Similar to Dall-E, Imajinn AI uses text prompts to generate images using machine learning AI.

All the images generated by the plugin are copyright-free and you can use them in your blog posts.

Imajinn AI WordPress plugin

To learn more, see our tutorial on how to use AI to generate images in WordPress.

We hope this article helped you find some useful ChatGPT prompt ideas for your blog and marketing campaigns. You may also want to see our pick of some more useful AI-powered WordPress plugins or take a look at our guide on how to grow your business online.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post 54 Best ChatGPT Prompts for Bloggers, Marketers, and Social Media first appeared on WPBeginner.