Neural Network Essentials

Neural networks are the core of all AI algorithms, and today, deep neural networks are used in tasks ranging from image recognition and object detection to natural language processing and generation. After dissecting the basic building blocks that form a neural network and the principles of how they work, this Refcard delves into neural architecture types and their respective uses, neural network chips, and model optimization techniques at a high level.

Is AI Bias an Open-Ended Issue that needs an Unbiased Perspective?

As the AI continuum keeps ascending, certain elements of the realm keep getting reproached with justifiable vindications. Artificial Intelligence (AI), initially aimed at helping humans make fairer and more transparent calls has been progressively showing signs of bias and flawed decision making. But then, it isn’t the technology that should be blamed as what drives clarity asunder is the inadequate extraction and contextual techniques— something I shall be covering at length, later in this discussion.

How Is AI Bias Even a Thing?


5 Optimistic Ways That Artificial Intelligence Is Revolutionizing Mental Healthcare

Indeed, William Gibson has very well stated, “The future is already here, the fact is it’s not just very evenly distributed.”

Revolutionary artificial intelligence algorithms are creeping into mental healthcare and are reshaping its dimensions. You might already be discussing with an AI bot right now the question “how does it make you feel to hear that?” Your AI therapist might be successful enough to take you out from the feeling of worry about what direction the future will take with the advent of artificial intelligence. Looking beyond the horrifying headlines of Skynet coming true, the progressive utilization of artificial intelligence in mental healthcare is absolutely splendid news for many of us. 

The Importance of Defining Fairness for Decision-Making AI Models

Defining fairness is a problematic task. The definition depends heavily on context and culture and when it comes to algorithms, every problem is unique so will be solved through the use of unique datasets. Algorithmic fairness can stem from statistical and mathematical definitions and even legal definitions of the problem at hand. Furthermore, if we build models based on different definitions of fairness for the same purpose, they will produce entirely different outcomes. 

The measure of fairness also changes with each use case. AI for credit scoring is entirely different from customer segmentation for marketing efforts, for example. In short, it’s tough to land on a catch-all definition, but for the purpose of this article, I thought I’d make the following attempt: An algorithm has fairness if it does not produce unfair outcomes for, or representations of, individuals or groups.

How Do AI Systems Identify Duplicate Data?

When you compare two Salesforce records, or any other CRM for that matter, side-by-side, you can easily determine whether or not they are duplicates. However, even if you have a small number of records, let’s say less than 100,000, it would be almost impossible to sift through them one by one by one, and perform such a comparison. This is why companies have developed various tools that automate such processes, but, to do a good job, the machines need to be able to recognize all of the similarities and differences between the records. In this article, we will take a closer look at some of the methods used by data scientists to train machine learning systems to identify duplicates. 

How Can Machine Learning Systems Compare and Contrast Records? 

One of the main tools researchers use is string metrics. This is when you take two strings of data and return a that is low if the strings are similar and high if they are different. How does this work in practice? Well, let’s take a look at the two records below: 

Artificial Intelligence Explained to a Student, Professional, and a Scientist

Rapid advancement in artificial intelligence (AI) has drastically changed the way things are moving today. Today, we will speak about this topic by approaching it from three different perspectives.

AI is defined as the science and engineering of developing intelligent machines and intelligent computer programs. Moreso, it is relevant to similar tasks such as utilizing computers to understand the human brain.

Dodge Adversarial AI Attacks Before It’s Too Late!


In this tech-oriented world where a number of hackers and technological advancements are emerging in parallel to each other, artificial intelligence has made big strides recently in understanding languages. Contrary to this, artificial intelligence can still suffer from potentially dangerous and alarming sorts of algorithmic insight. Research depicts how AI algorithms that parse and analyze algorithms can be tricked and deceived by precisely crafted phrases. A sentence that might seem appropriate to you may have the strange ability to dodge the AI algorithm. 

It is estimated by the expert community that by the year 2040, artificial intelligence will reach the capability to perform all the intellectual functions of human beings. This might seem frightening but with the few techniques outlined in this teachable, you will radically grow your possibilities of survival when encountering artificial intelligence. 

Innovative Algorithms Are Assisting AI Systems To Escape From ‘Adversarial’ Attacks


In this modern and innovative world, individuals are capable enough to get what they see. The role of artificial intelligence would be simultaneously straightforward in that case. Artificial intelligence is one of the most famous data-driven technologies emerging at a swift pace, accommodating the whole world. There would be no surprise in saying that the market size of artificial intelligence is growing dramatically and will reshape the dimensions of technological advancements in the upcoming future. In 2019, the market size of artificial intelligence was estimated at $27.23 billion. This figure projects that the market size will value AI at $266.92 billion by 2027.  

Let us consider the collision avoidance system in self-driven cars. An AI system can directly map an input to an appropriate action if visual input to on-board cameras is entirely trusted i.e. steer left, steer right or go straight continuously in order to dodge any ramblers that cameras notice on the road. But what if the camera is manipulated or slightly shifts images by a few pixels? The car might take potentially unnecessary and dangerous actions if it starts trusting adversarial inputs blindly. 

Study: The AI Recommendations We Trust Most

Millions of Americans make decisions based on the recommendations of Artificial Intelligence, and many don't even realize what's happening.

From Netflix's "top picks for you," and Spotify's recommended playlists and artists, to even the profiles shown on dating applications, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is using algorithms to offer users suggestions designed to match our interests. But how much do people really trust those recommendations?