Don’t Forget These Points in Your DevOps Transformation

DevOps is a working methodology widely used today, combining good development (Dev) and operations (Ops) practices to deliver value to customers continuously. Adopting this methodology generally requires a multi-level restructuring (human, process, and technological).

To promote its adoption and implementation, it is essential to consider some crucial points in the DevOps transformation of your company.

Sustaining Agile Transformation – Our Experience


Most of the organizations today are moving towards Agile to achieve faster delivery, higher business value, and better quality. In our experience, the average time for organizations to achieve Enterprise Agility is around 2-3 years. Most of the organizations plan only for the transformation and think less about the sustenance. One of the twelve Agile principles emphasizes the importance of sustainable development and the need to maintain a constant pace throughout the cycle. 

The same principle applies to the organization-level transformation context as well as any change without stability and consistency may not be long-lived. A sustainable agile transformation is one that creates a self-sustaining, continuously learning organization focused on delivering improved business results. It is important for organizations to build a transformation sustenance strategy so that they do not fall back to old ways of working.

Agility Office: The Backbone of Any Transformation


In the traditional world of Project and Program Management, Project Management Office (PMO) played a very crucial way in standardizing and unifying the various Project Management processes and activities. With the software industry transforming its working into an Agile Way of Working, one gets a sense that the PMO has become anachronistic and is more or less become extinct.  However, that's not the case and we have many organizations creating Agility Office / Agile Program Office / Agile Transformation Office / Agile Orchestration Office to name a few.

In this article, we will use the word Agility Office to represent the above nomenclatures. While many might think it's just a christening from PMO to the above names, the reality is that Agility Office is the Key driver of Agility across organizations Transformation journey.