Why Is Servant Leadership Crucial In An Agile Organization?

What does the term "leader" evoke in your mind? For many of us, a leader is the smartest person in the room, who suggests solutions, exercises power, and sits at the top of the pyramid. But servant-leadership is an edifying leadership style that stands in perfect contrast to the typical stand-alone hero.

Origin of Servant-Leadership

Is there anything wrong with traditional leadership? Why has this concept fallen from glory in the modern age?

The Agile Radar: An Approach for Understanding Agile

When coaching and training people on being Agile, we have often used the fabulous Agile Onion [1] from Simon Powers of Adventures With Agile. This is an amazing offering and has really helped us to coach others to be the best that they can be, time after time.

However, over the years there has been a couple of common observations that have constrained the wonderful impact it could have.