The Right Way to Hybridize Your Product Development Technique

In this post, we'll be talking about how to combine the best aspects of two different product development techniques to create a hybrid approach that saves you time and money while helping you avoid risks to your company.


You see, creatives (myself included) are often very passionate about what we do and would love nothing more than to do it all on our own. 

The 12 Key Principles of Agile Methodology

Figure 1 12 Key Principles of Agile Methodology

Many customer requests changed during this lag, which led to the cancellation of many projects. As a result, in 2001, 17 leaders met and signed the Agile Manifesto to change the situation for the better. The Manifesto consists of four fundamental values and twelve principles that define the process of software development. Each team applies them differently, but they are an essential part of delivering high-quality software to businesses. The four values of the Agile Manifesto include:

Which Methodology Works Better in Mobile App Development?

For several years, project management teams used the conventional method of meticulous preparation, reporting, and developing processes. However, due to the rapid growth of the IT industry, project management has rapidly developed from a collection of principles to a broad area of various methodologies. Nonetheless, there are a few methodologies that are at the heart of project management for mobile app growth.

This article discusses two of the most widely used project management methodologies: agile and waterfall. The second most important factor in mobile app development is choosing the methodology. Choosing the right methodology facilitates the development process and results can be obtained in the most efficient and timely manner.

What Is DevOps Culture?

At its essence, a DevOps culture involves closer collaboration and a shared responsibility between development and operations for the products they create and maintain. This helps companies align their people, processes, and tools toward a more unified customer focus. 

It involves cultivating multidisciplinary teams who take accountability for the entire lifecycle of a product. DevOps teams work autonomously and embrace a software engineering culture, workflow, and toolset that elevates operational requirements to the same level of importance as architecture, design and development. The understanding that developers who build it, also run it, brings developers closer to the user, with a greater understanding of user requirements and needs. With operations teams more involved in the development process, they can add maintenance requirements and customer needs for a better product. 

2020 Agile Predictions

The last days of 2019 are upon us, and our engineers are gearing up for the final sprint of the year. Given that Agile, or at least core parts of it, has become so commonplace in development these days, it can be tough to think of what's coming next. With that in mind, we've asked our contributors and contacts what they thought next year will look like, and here's what they had to say.

  • Badri N. Srinivasan, AVP and Enterprise Agile Coach/Lead, Agile Center, Societe Generale Global Solutions Center: All about scale: Agile methodologies will continue to grow in strength and more new projects will start with agile methodologies. Organizations already using agile for their projects will explore opportunities to scale the benefits at a much larger level through agile@scale models/frameworks. The scenario continues to look quite optimistic for agile methodologies in the next 6-12 months.

  • Bas Groot, Architect: More of the same: I hope to propagate my Premature/Foreseeable concept into the Agile world, but I'm not sure how quickly the message can be adopted. I need more people who get it and want to support the idea.

    But more likely is that Agile will become an increasingly hollow ritual and control structure coverup, until some new evangelist charlatan stands up and storms the conferences with the 10th rebirth/repackaging/rewording of what's called "agile" today.

  • Thomas Hansen, CEO/CTO, T.H. Rose Home Cloud: The right tool for the right job: The Agile community will (sigh) finally realise that it's impossible to implement Agile methodology without Agile tools ... ;)

  • Kunal Agarwal, CEO, Unravel Data: Conversation moves from technologies to use cases: Organizations increasingly care about the use cases a vendor supports rather than the specific data technology that vendor employs. In the past, many organizations thought that in order to leverage big data they had to deploy technology X or technology Y. That’s changing dramatically as we move into 2020, with these orgs paying less attention to the tech under the hood and instead focusing on delivering specialized use cases that advance their bottom line.

Agile-DevSecOps Academy: 40 Ways Agile Transformations Fail

Agile transformation brings a superior combination of highly effective, innovative, and transparent cultures; alongside frameworks, methodologies, and best business/engineering practices to deliver the highest value and achieve the next level of agility in developing and deploying software applications. However, while many transformations are successful, some do fail, and here is why.

Why do Agile Transformations Fail?

Before talking about failures, it is important to understand the difference between Agile adoption and Agile transformation. The adoption is about deploying a chosen framework, business, and technical practices with the benefit of doing Agile. Transformation, on the other hand, is about shifting the entire organization's culture, values/principles, people, business, and technical paradigms towards the next level agility—being Agile.

Managers and Agile: Where Do I Fit In?

Agile is about self-organizing teams, isn’t it? As a Manager, what does that mean for me? Should I fear for my job? As a Manager or Director, Agile transformation can be disconcerting because you want to trust your teams and let them be self-organizing, but at the end of the day, it’s still your organization and your responsibility.

Let’s start with a proper view of the term “self-organizing”. Many leaders and teams incorrectly think that self-organizing teams don’t need leadership. Agile is about flexibility, not anarchy. Esther Derby explains it well: “Self-organizing is a characteristic of a team, not something that is done once and for all. Self-organizing teams experiment, create new approaches and adapt to meet new challenges within the boundaries of the organization.” Mike Cohn says: “Self-organizing encourages teams to fully own the problems they encounter.” Empowerment is the key to self-organizing. Management must empower Agile teams to experiment, fail and learn, which in turn gives team members higher personal investment in outcomes. Agile pays people to think, rather than to blindly follow instructions.

Lean Software Development: Eliminating Waste in Software Engineering

According to the latest estimates, seventeen percent of organizations adopt Lean. This framework remains one of the five most widely used Agile frameworks. The application of Lean principles to software development was initially introduced by Mary and Tom Poppendieck in their book Lean Software Development: An Agile Toolkit. It includes the 7 basic principles:

  • Eliminate waste
  • Amplify learning and create knowledge
  • Decide as late as possible
  • Deliver as fast as possible
  • Empower the team
  • Build integrity/quality in
  • See the whole

Five Reasons Why Scrum Fails in Software Development

Generally, the majority of Scrum software development projects are completed successfully. However, there are situations where Scrum does not deliver the expected results. This article discusses why Scrum fails in software development and the possible reasons for it. This article is targeted toward those who have a good understanding and some experience on the Scrum framework.

1. Lack of Understanding of The Scrum Framework Among Team Members

It is very important to have a good understanding of the Agile Scrum principles, strategies, and approaches. It is equally important that all team members have a common understanding of the Scrum framework, as well as the Scrum roles in the team. The team should know the distinct roles and responsibilities that the Product Owner, Scrum Master, and developers should play.