The 12 Key Principles of Agile Methodology

Figure 1 12 Key Principles of Agile Methodology

Many customer requests changed during this lag, which led to the cancellation of many projects. As a result, in 2001, 17 leaders met and signed the Agile Manifesto to change the situation for the better. The Manifesto consists of four fundamental values and twelve principles that define the process of software development. Each team applies them differently, but they are an essential part of delivering high-quality software to businesses. The four values of the Agile Manifesto include:

What Can Go Wrong While Following Agile Methodology


Most of the Job Postings you will see will have the term Agile Process mentioned somewhere in their Job Description. If you talk to Developers or Managers in your network, most of them will tell you that their teams are using Agile Methodology. 

So I believe it is fair to say that the term Agile Process is trending nowadays in Software Industry, and using Agile Process in your team is as cool as using AI/ML in your code. Agree?

What Is Agile Development (Part 2): Agile in SAP

SAP is trusted the world over by leading organizations to handle critical business processes and functions. Unfortunately, making changes to SAP systems in response to evolving business needs can be tedious and cumbersome.

Much of the rest of the software development world has adopted new methodologies, such as agile, that enable them to deliver changes and updates to critical systems more quickly and efficiently.

What Is Agile Development? Part 1

Much of the software development world has adopted new methodologies, such as agile, that enable them to deliver changes and updates to critical systems more quickly and efficiently.

In this 2-part blog series, I explain what agile development is and how it helps deliver software faster and then explore how you can implement this approach in SAP.

How Does Agile Software Development Life Cycle Work?

Agile development is a process of software development in which requirements are defined as user stories, are developed in small increments with the customer or client, and implemented through frequent releases.

There are many benefits to using an agile development process for your project. Collaborating early and often with the client can help to ensure that any potential issues will be identified and addressed before they become problems. If you want to know more about what an agile software development life cycle is and how it works, keep reading!

Top Five Agile Methodologies — Which Is Right for Your SAP Environment?

Check out this SAP environment.
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Agile can offer faster, more flexible development for your SAP environments. With so many methodologies for agile, how do you know which one will be the best fit for your business?

I spoke to a large SAP enterprise recently about their shift from a waterfall development approach to using agile development in their SAP environment. The result was that rather than making two changes to SAP each year, they now modify their environment each and every week.

Agile Development for ”Non-Products”

Constant change helps keep Agile fresh!

Software development is the core focus of any digitally transforming organization. A lot of time and effort in these organizations is spent thinking about and communicating the concept of product development. Customer-centricity, continuous delivery, and automated QA are just a few of the things that are necessary for product development. For many IT teams, developing products can be fun, invigorating, and meaningful. Why settle for just a project or deliverable, when you can do product development and play with all the shiny toys available to you?

Important Things You Need To Know About Agile Development

The sky is the limit with Agile development.

In 2001, a group of 17 software developers met and discussed a new philosophy in software development. It was their opinion that the development practices of the 20th century were no longer appropriate in the 21st. Clients were frustrated by the lack of communication. Developers were frustrated by the regular need for revisions on finished projects. The product of their time together was a list of 12 principles published as part of their “Manifesto for Agile Software Development”.