Use the 7 Product Dimensions Model to Guide Product Discovery and MMP Design

In their book Discover to Deliver: Agile Product Planning and Analysis, authors Ellen Gottesdiener and Mary Gorman introduced a simple and powerful model to guide product discovery effort – The 7 Product Dimensions model. This model identifies 7 areas (product dimensions) that we will need to explore – through collaborative questioning and reflection – in order to learn more about the product. The dimensions are User (who the users are), Interface (how they interact with the product), Actions (what they can do), Data (what data the product needs/stores in order to work), Control (rules & constraints), Environment (platforms that would host the product/on which value will be delivered), and Quality Attribute (customer’s expectations around quality, usability, etc.). The premise is simple: if we ask good, powerful questions about each of these dimensions, we’ll learn a great deal about this product we want to build, which will help us build a better product. You can find more information about the 7 Product Dimensions framework and canvas Here[1]

Here are some of the questions that we could ask to discover more about each product dimension: