Why Agile Fails Because of Corporate Culture

Large corporations are increasingly longing to be like startups: Flat hierarchies and the absence of formal procedures result in unseen productivity; doing without restraining bureaucracy allows for remarkable speed, innovation, and creativity.

Speed, innovation, and creativity: It's exactly these things most corporations are desperately lacking. In turn, it's only logical for big companies to want to take a leaf out of the startups' book. Where the clumsy imitation of a start-up mentality fails or maybe isn't even an option, the magic word agile soon echoes through the aisles. Because you know, the competition is already successfully agile, every consultant can deliver ready-made, highly scaled agile wonders on demand in no time at all, and even the house and farm service provider has had experience with it for a long time, but simply wasn't asked about it until now. So "agile" gets written on the banner, swarms of self-proclaimed evangelists get unleashed onto the staff and off they go on a journey into a brighter future.

Agile Scoping — How to Keep the Focus

Some of the people I admire in the agile community avoid working with organizations that are not fully committed to the agile changes they are asking for.

This can create drama and a possible loss of connection between the ‘thought leaders’ and the rest of us. But what if some agile approaches would help us understand how best to support our clients if we do not have the full support of the organization?

Batman and Agile Development

There are times when a superhero swooping in to solve our problems would be more than welcome. In Agile development, this occurs when there’s too much to do alongside the current sprint.

And this is where Batman comes in. But I don’t mean the caped crusader himself. Rather, a member of your team that fills the Batman role.

Why Is Automation the Only Way to Deliver Continuous Testing in Agile?

The use of agile methodologies for testing and development of software applications is growing rapidly. More and more businesses are adopting agile approaches in their application development cycle. That’s why most testing teams are focused on improving and enhancing their agile management.

Agile methodologies allow teams to carry out software development throughout SDLC so that bugs can be detected in the early stages of development, and developers can fix them immediately. It is being said that when agile development and testing come together, speed becomes the primary focus for both developers and testers. And it is true because for continuous delivery in agile development, implementing continuous testing in DevOps becomes critical.

I Became the Most Wanted Software Support Engineer of My Town

Want to be on the "Wanted" list?

It’s been more than 20 years since I started my first professional job as a software support engineer. So, back when everyone was still amused by the Lotus 1-2-3 and later the HTML thing, I was about to step into a whole new world of software development industry — the supporting phase.