Best Agile Tools for Project Management in 2020

Agile has achieved a great deal of traction over the last couple of years, and companies right left and center are aiming to implement an agile methodology in their workforces.

And in light of this, the question becomes how can you run a successful agile project?

A Guide to Agile Testing for Better Software Quality

Flexibility and speed are where the essence of the agile development methodology lies. It promotes collaboration and iterations at every stage while ensuring faster development and speedy deliveries. But, the agile development process does not exclusively refer to the development phase. Testing is as much a part of the agile process as the development phase. If you are skipping Agile Testing, you are not mimicking the attributes of a truly agile team.

Testing helps check the quality of the software and whether it works as expected. With the Agile Testing solution, you can ensure that the testing process takes the course of the agile development approach and is treated as a recurring activity over being treated as a one-time task.

An Ultimate Guide to the Scrum Project Management

If you've spent even a small amount of time in the field of digital project management then you must have heard about the Scrum methodology. Scrum, which was initially designed for software development teams now, finds its application across many other fields like marketing, project management, and many more.

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According to a report by a Project Management Institute, more than half of the project managers who use the Agile framework uses the Scrum methodology. Not only this, but a PMI survey also shows that around a combined total of 55% of organizations "Sometimes", often", or "always" uses Scrum.

Kanban vs Scrum — Here’s What Your Team Needs To Know [2020]

man wearing a jetpack
Scrum is the most popular Agile framework today ( 56% of all Agile teams use Scrum ).  But is it the most effective one, particularly for your team?  Or is Kanban,  one of the trending agile frameworks today , a better fit for your team?

This “Kanban versus Scrum” article will tell you whether you should go with Kanban or Scrum.
But first….

What Is Scrum?

The Scrum Agile terminology and definition was first introduced by Ken Schwaber and  Jeff Sutherland in 1993 . Jeff referenced a  1986 Harvard business study  to come up with the idea.  Scrum stands for delivering high-quality software in a minimum amount of time. 

The Significance of Team Structures in Your Projects

All businesses, including large and small, take advantage of both a well-defined organizational structure and a perfect team.

team working on puzzle piece shaped desk

For a company to achieve its planned mission and reach its objectives, it needs to create an effectual structure. If a company doesn't have an organizational structure, it can still fail even with strong leadership and hard-working employees.

A Product Owner’s Number One Mistake

I was once responsible for coaching a Product Owner called Jac. It was the product owner for an "enterprise product" - a product sold to big companies to use internally. Sprint to sprint, Jac got to decide what got done. In my book, Product Owner authority went further: what was to be done in future sprints, what kind of things would be done in months to come, and the "roadmap" where the product was going. But... Jac seldom met customers, Jac might talk to them on the phone when they had a problem but Jac didn't talk to the more senior people who signed the purchase orders.

Being an enterprise product, there were consultants in the mix too: installing the product on-site, configure the product, train customers, and hold their hands. They went to customer sites and they met all sorts of people. Naturally, the consultants had a view on what the product should do, what should be developed next, and what should be done in the coming months.

Design Collaboration: Effective Approaches for Top-Notch Design

Creating digital products in this ever-competitive IT industry comes with its own sets of challenges. The creation of these digital products requires a team of multiple members that possess a unique set of skills, experience, and expertise. We at Peerbits, overcome these challenges and complexities with the help of design collaboration.

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Design collaboration is a smart and pragmatic approach that empowers all the experts to come together and create something top-notch.

Selecting the Right Agile Framework – Coveros

Scrum. Kanban. Lean. XP. SAFe. RUP. Scrum of Scrums. There are many frameworks available to organizations that are maturing their agile software development process.

However, the use of some frameworks can help reinforce agile behaviors, while others can be degenerative and actually drive an organization to revert to more waterfall-like software development.

The choice of agile framework should be a collaborative discussion between teams, organizational leadership, and any stakeholders. Every part of the team should have input into what key features they will need from the framework. The "correct choice" will depend on many variables, including the nature of the work, the experiences of the organization, cultural factors, and changes desired to meet the work objectives.

The Five Dimensions of Transformational Leadership

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Adapted from the DevOps Enterprise Forum guidance paper Transformational Leadership: A Quick Start Guide by John Esser, Sr., Dr. Nicole Forsgren, Chivas Nambiar, Julia Wester, and Dan Zentgraf.

1. Vision

Vision is the expression of a desired picture of the future based around organizational values and should answer this basic question: What do we want to become? In addition to knowing and understanding direction, transformational leaders must be able to clearly communicate the vision and validate that it was understood as intended.

5 Agile Anti-Patterns That Distributed Teams Should Avoid

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As agile becomes a predominant part of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), the methodology also brings to the fore the challenges of handling the agile anti-patterns at every level of the process. Anti-patterns are apparent and familiar fixes for common problems in an agile workflow, which turn out to be counter-productive to the process. They may appear to offer a solution to a problem at hand but have several underlying inconsistencies.

agile development methodology graphic

How Teams Can Avoid Agile Anti-Patterns

A potential solution turns into an anti-pattern when it does not offer a suitable fix, or it is repeated too many times for a negative impact. However, anti-patterns do differ from malpractices - they are not incorrect remedies to the existing problem, but rather cause issues when used too frequently. So how would you fight an enemy you can't see? Well here are 5 of the most common agile anti-patterns and tips to avoid them:

Create More Management Transparency

In the agile and lean communities, we talk a lot about transparency.  I see the most product and program success when the various teams create transparency between them, the middle of the continuum. That's the full-product transparency. I see many organizations succeed better when the less the manager knows, the better the team works. And, when there's too little manager-to-team transparency, the efforts become much more difficult or fail. That's because the managers don't explain:

  • Why this product
  • Why focus on these customers
  • Why this product now, as opposed to any of the other work we could do.

The managers don't explain the purpose. So, the managers request transparency about the teams' work. And, the managers don't offer transparency about the purpose. That's not reciprocal transparency.

Improve Your Ongoing Cloud Transformation With DevOps

There are basically two major hurdles every organization faces when moving to the cloud: transforming their apps or solutions to fully benefit from cloud computing and adopting a better approach for true cloud transformation. The former is a hurdle that most — if not all — organizations focus on.

Transforming existing apps for cloud computing isn’t always straightforward. Rewriting and refactoring can be a complex process, especially when you have a complex app that needs to be divided into a lot of microservices. With that said, this is a challenge that gets solved early in the transformation process.

Program Manager Vs Project Manager: An Analysis from Cursory Perspective

Do you know the difference between Program and Project managers?

We have bashed the nuts out of project management and the role of a project manager in that capacity; however, little did we know that our inbox was teeming with some inquiries related to program management vs project management. There’s no doubt that the terms coincide with one another, but there are a lot of key differences at a minuscule level.

How to Write an Effective Project Charter

Make your voice heard with your Project Charter!
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In the old days, businesses or the organizational culture was a hit or miss affair. Businesses were pushed forward and projects were pitched without asking the tough questions or defining a specific direction for the team on how to achieve the goals that were set by the company.

If you are in such a position that you are responsible for setting the direction and scope of a team to work on a project, then you should be able to write an effective Project Charter and in this article, we’ll guide you on project charter examples.

The 40 Best Organizational Tools to Enhance Your Work

Get these tools in your toolbox!
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Being organized doesn’t mean you have to rely on one resource or a couple of organizational tools, whether you are an analog or a digital organizer. You can get the best features out of all of them to organize your chores and projects accordingly.

Some of the best work organizing tools are listed below that will help you get your affairs in order. Let’s take a look.

Kickoff Meeting: The Ultimate Guide to Starting Your Projects Right

Let's start this project right!

New and ongoing projects are the backbone of a business’s entire operation and a kickoff meeting constitutes a crucial element of such projects. They are the necessary progressions that cement the significance of a company in the market. So, when the stakes are this high, then you have to be vigilant when starting new projects and build a proper foundation.

Managers: For Effective Stand Up Meetings, Do Your Homework

Stand up meetings don't have to be the worst. It just takes a little management preparation.
“The daily stand up meeting is not another meeting to waste people's time. It will replace many other meetings, giving a net savings several times its own length.” --  XP Rules

One of three things happens at every standup:

  1. Issues are omitted.