Are Your Projects Failing Unnecessarily?

Managing a project from start to finish can be very challenging. As well as keeping an eye on the over goals, project managers have to race against time, keep everything within budget, ensure all parts fit together, and, perhaps the most challenging aspect, manage people. Project management requires a wide range of skills, and quite often, companies outsource project management to expert consulting agencies to ensure a project is successful.

Because of this drive for results, project managers can have a limited way of thinking. They often have a set of processes that have delivered results in the past on a different project with another team. Using traditional techniques can often lead to project failure. Just because something worked once doesn't mean it will work again. Just because something worked with one team doesn't mean it will work with this team. Projects are therefore driven and pushed by a set of processes rather than a project-specific framework.

3 Agile Tips From a Startup to Startups


When we developed our startup, agile was a must-do. We are a tech and data driver startup working as a marketplace for the moving industry. The funny thing is that nobody on our team has ever had anything to do with this industry; this means there was a lot each member had to learn and master from the start. Agile was, in my opinion, the greatest tool for us. It calls for continuous development — it welcomes change and tweaks, and it's a bridge between business-focused founders and development-focused founders.

These are some of the tips I have to give from this journey.

Latest Trends That Will Set the Stage for Software Product Testing

As companies move towards digital transformation, the software development industry has become more technically advanced using the latest technologies. Its goal is to provide high-quality software products and services to its customers. Due to the development of innovative and complex products, software product testing finds its applications rapidly and strategically important at different stages of the software development lifecycle.

According to the latest research conducted by product testing companies in New Jersey, it has been disclosed that demand for product testing is expected to rise by 15 percent this year. At present, companies are expected to remain competitive in terms of performance and safety. In addition, evaluators seek to solve the problems posed by new technologies, resulting in the adoption of automation tests and other technologies that make up the IT industry significantly.