How to Cancel Pending API Requests to Show Correct Data

I recently had to create a widget in React that fetches data from multiple API endpoints. As the user clicks around, new data is fetched and marshalled into the UI. But it caused some problems.

One problem quickly became evident: if the user clicked around fast enough, as previous network requests got resolved, the UI was updated with incorrect, outdated data for a brief period of time.

We can debounce our UI interactions, but that fundamentally does not solve our problem. Outdated network fetches will resolve and update our UI with wrong data up until the final network request finishes and updates our UI with the final correct state. The problem becomes more evident on slower connections. Furthermore, we’re left with useless networks requests that waste the user’s data.

Here is an example I built to illustrate the problem. It grabs game deals from Steam via the cool Cheap Shark API using the modern fetch() method. Try rapidly updating the price limit and you will see how the UI flashes with wrong data until it finally settles.

The solution

Turns out there is a way to abort pending DOM asynchronous requests using an AbortController. You can use it to cancel not only HTTP requests, but event listeners as well.

The AbortController interface represents a controller object that allows you to abort one or more Web requests as and when desired.

Mozilla Developer Network

The AbortController API is simple: it exposes an AbortSignal that we insert into our fetch() calls, like so:

const abortController = new AbortController()
const signal = abortController.signal
fetch(url, { signal })

From here on, we can call abortController.abort() to make sure our pending fetch is aborted.

Let’s rewrite our example to make sure we are canceling any pending fetches and marshalling only the latest data received from the API into our app:

The code is mostly the same with few key distinctions:

  1. It creates a new cached variable, abortController, in a useRef in the <App /> component.
  2. For each new fetch, it initializes that fetch with a new AbortController and obtains its corresponding AbortSignal.
  3. It passes the obtained AbortSignal to the fetch() call.
  4. It aborts itself on the next fetch.
const App = () => {
 // Same as before, local variable and state declaration
 // ...

 // Create a new cached variable abortController in a useRef() hook
 const abortController = React.useRef()

 React.useEffect(() => {
  // If there is a pending fetch request with associated AbortController, abort
  if (abortController.current) {
  // Assign a new AbortController for the latest fetch to our useRef variable
  abortController.current = new AbortController()
  const { signal } = abortController.current

  // Same as before
  fetch(url, { signal }).then(res => {
    // Rest of our fetching logic, same as before
 }, [


That’s it! We now have the best of both worlds: we debounce our UI interactions and we manually cancel outdated pending network fetches. This way, we are sure that our UI is updated once and only with the latest data from our API.

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Using AbortController as an Alternative for Removing Event Listeners

The idea of an “abortable” fetch came to life in 2017 when AbortController was released. That gives us a way to bail on an API request initiated by fetch() — even multiple calls — whenever we want.

Here’s a super simple example using AbortController to cancel a fetch() request:

const controller = new AbortController();
const res = fetch('/', { signal: controller.signal });
console.log(res); // => Promise(rejected): "DOMException: The user aborted a request"

You can really see its value when used for a modern interface of setTimeout. This way, making a fetch timeout after, say 10 seconds, is pretty straightforward:

function timeout(duration, signal) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    const handle = setTimeout(resolve, duration);
    signal?.addEventListener('abort', e => {
      reject(new Error('aborted'));

// Usage
const controller = new AbortController();
const promise = timeout(10000, controller.signal);
console.log(promise); // => Promise(rejected): "Error: aborted"

But the big news is that addEventListener now accepts an Abort Signal as of Chrome 88. What’s cool about that? It can be used as an alternate of removeEventListener:

const controller = new AbortController();
eventTarget.addEventListener('event-type', handler, { signal: controller.signal });

What’s even cooler than that? Well, because AbortController is capable of aborting multiple cancelable requests at once, it streamlines the process of removing multiple listeners in one fell swoop. I’ve already found it particularly useful for drag and drop.

Here’s how I would have written a drag and drop script without AbortController, relying two removeEventListener instances to wipe out two different events:

// With removeEventListener
el.addEventListener('mousedown', e => {
  if (e.buttons !== 1) return;

  const onMousemove = e => {
    if (e.buttons !== 1) return;
    /* work */

  const onMouseup = e => {
    if (e.buttons & 1) return;
    window.removeEventListener('mousemove', onMousemove);
    window.removeEventListener('mouseup', onMouseup);

  window.addEventListener('mousemove', onMousemove);
  window.addEventListener('mouseup', onMouseup); // Can’t use `once: true` here because we want to remove the event only when primary button is up

With the latest update, addEventListener accepts the signal property as its second argument, allowing us to call abort() once to stop all event listeners when they’re no longer needed:

// With AbortController
el.addEventListener('mousedown', e => {
  if (e.buttons !== 1) return;

  const controller = new AbortController();

  window.addEventListener('mousemove', e => {
    if (e.buttons !== 1) return;
    /* work */
  }, { signal: controller.signal });

  window.addEventListener('mouseup', e => {
    if (e.buttons & 1) return;
  }, { signal: controller.signal });

Again, Chrome 88 is currently the only place where addEventListener officially accepts an AbortSignal. While other major browsers, including Firefox and Safari, support AbortController, integrating its signal with addEventListener is a no go at the moment… and there are no signals (pun sorta intended) that they plan to work on it. That said, a polyfill is available.

The post Using AbortController as an Alternative for Removing Event Listeners appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

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