Portfolio Architecture Examples: Infrastructure Collection

This article is a continuation of a series of posts about our project named Portfolio Architectures. A previous post, Portfolio Architecture Examples: Healthcare Collection, begins with a project overview, introduction, and examples of tooling and workshops available for the project.  You may want to refer back to that post to gain insight into the background of Portfolio Architectures before reading further.

Infrastructure Collection

The collection featured today is centered around infrastructure architectures. There are currently seven architectures in this collection and we'll provide a short overview of each, leaving the in-depth exploration as an exercise for the reader.

Containerized 5G Infrastructure Visibility

Cloud native and containerized architectures are becoming the de facto design standard for 5G networks and applications. In the telecommunications industry, the players are focused on building out 5G Stand Alone (SA) deployments to deliver the promise of faster connection speeds to enable IoT, medical, and autonomous use cases – not to mention improved communications, support for streaming real-time content, and the promise of myriad new applications and services. In working with Tier 1 operators, MVNOs, and analytics providers, we are encountering a staggering issue: they can no longer adequately monitor, correlate, and measure critical network and application communication events at the container level and across the infrastructure.

As we have illustrated through our demonstrations and proof of concept deployments of our Containerized Visibility Fabric (CVF) with telco and related technology suppliers, the most common phrases we’re hearing during the engagements are:

5G Experience in an Epidemic of Market Uncertainty


“Want to see disfunction firsthand? Look no further than Telecoms...The disruption reshaping the telecommunications industry is so enormous and far-reaching that, if I ran a business school, I'd make it mandatory case study material.”

 Hans Geerdes, Head of Business Strategy at Nokia 

Edge Computing: Public Cloud on 5G — the Grand Convergence

The closing months of 2019 saw a slew of services by AWS and Azure in their flagship events- Reinvent and Ignite. Notable among them were services leveraging 5G networks for running workloads in the 5G edge to provide ultra low latency. With 5G services set to be mainstream in this decade, this is a first of its kind collaboration model between the two principal parties in the ecosystem - The CSP (Communication Service Provider) and the Cloud Vendor(like AWS/Microsoft Azure). CSP has been referred to as Mobile network or mobile provider's network in this article for ease of understanding.

AWS has partnered with Telco service providers- Verizon, Vodafone, SK Enterprise, KDDI  to provide AWS Wavelength and is in the process of adding more partners. As announced, AWS Wavelength will enable developers to build applications that serve end-users with ultra-low latency over 5G network.