7 Test Frameworks To Follow in 2021 for Java/Fullstack Developers

It is time to learn new test frameworks to improve your code quality and decrease the time of your testing phase. I have selected six testing frameworks that sound promising. Some have existed for quite a long time but I have not heard about them before.

At the end of the article, please tell me what you think about them and what your favorite ones are.

Robot Framework

Robot Framework is a generic open-source automation framework. It can be used for test automation and robotic process automation (RPA).

3 Serverless Strategies to Look for in 2021

If you had at least one chance to attend business and technologies conferences recently, you probably saw lots of DevOps strategies, Agilist, and DevSecOps engineers around the digital transformation track. No matter what business you work in, it’s no secret that DevOps is a big trigger to craft new companies. It is also used to optimize existing resources, from the IT infrastructure to workflow processes and cultural changes.

While I was moderating several tracks (i.e. serverless) at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2020, I had a chance to catch a very interesting trend around DevOps. The trend was more interest in cloud-native application development than deployment and provisioning with certain cloud platforms on Kubernetes. Kubernetes was unleashed upon the world back in 2014. Since then, IT ops organizations have benefited from orchestrating immutable application runtimes with service invocation and discovery, autoscaling, and resilience by using Kubernetes. In the meantime, application workloads also need to move forward to serverless functions and event-driven reactive services, along with the DevOps platform, which is a key ability to manage multi and hybrid cloud infrastructure.

6 Reasons to Start Managing Technical Debt in 2021


The pressure has never been greater on developers: to move from legacy to modern infrastructure, to reduce inefficiencies, and create products that build customer satisfaction and increase revenue. Many enterprises are moving forward with a DevOps mindset, but in all their progress forward, they may be forgetting one thing, technical debt. Indeed, devs may be moving fast and breaking things, but never actually fixing them. In response, technical debt builds up, resulting in a downturn in engineering productivity and significant costs to an organization.

Earlier this year, Umser Mansoor did a small survey of developers for Codeahoy on technical debt. Out of 91 respondents, it found that 68% of developers said they work on products with high or very high amounts of tech debt. Technical debt costs companies $85bn annually, but it also has devastating impacts on engineering teams.