How To Use MQTT in Golang

Golang is a statically, strongly typed, compiled, concurrent, and garbage-collecting programming language developed by Google. Go is expressive, clean, and efficient. Its concurrency mechanism makes it easy to write programs that maximize the use of multicore and network machines, and its innovative type system enables flexible and modular program construction. Go compiles quickly to machine code, but with the convenience of garbage collection and the power of runtime reflection. It is a fast, statically typed, compiled language, like a dynamically typed, interpreted language.

MQTT is a kind of lightweight IoT messaging protocol based on the publish/subscribe model, which can provide real-time and reliable messaging service for IoT devices, only using very little code and bandwidth. It is suitable for devices with limited hardware resources and a network environment with limited bandwidth. Therefore, the MQTT protocol is widely used in IoT, mobile internet, IoV, electricity power, and other industries.

How to Use MQTT in Java

MQTT is an OASIS standard messaging protocol for the Internet of Things (IoT). It is designed as an extremely lightweight publish/subscribe messaging transport that is ideal for connecting remote devices with a small code footprint and minimal network bandwidth. MQTT today is used in a wide variety of industries, such as automotive, manufacturing, telecommunications, oil and gas, etc.

This article introduces how to use MQTT in the Java project to realize the functions of connecting, subscribing, unsubscribing, publishing, and receiving messages between the client and the broker.

How To Use MQTT in Dart

Dart is a client-optimized language for developing fast apps on any platform. Its goal is to offer the most productive programming language for multi-platform development, paired with a flexible execution runtime platform for app frameworks.

MQTT is a lightweight IoT messaging protocol based on publish/subscribe model, which can provide real-time and reliable messaging services for connected devices with minimal code and bandwidth. It is widely used in industries, such as IoT, mobile Internet, smart hardware, Internet of vehicles, and power and energy.