Exploring the Controversy Around SAFe’s Approach to Product Ownership

Product Ownership Is a Crucial Element in Improving Outcomes

SAFe and Scrum both consider product ownership crucial to maximizing outcomes in environments of complexity and uncertainty. Teams are ideally organized around products/value streams so they can apply customer-centricity. Product people and their teams are ideally accountable for outcomes and are empowered to figure out, inspect, and adapt requirements/scope as needed.

SAFe Has Multiple Product Ownership/Management Layers

As organizations tackle bigger products, they have some alternatives for how to tackle product ownership/management. Scrum advises having one product owner for each product, even if multiple teams develop the product. This is at the core of scaling frameworks such as Nexus and LeSS. SAFe takes a path that is more aligned with the classic structure of product management organizations, which is to have multiple layers of product ownership/management.

The Future of Agile Roles: The Future of Agility

News of companies laying off people in Agile roles are circulating frequently. What is going on? 

For years now, I’ve been coaching companies and leaders to see the Scrum Master and similar roles like the SAFe RTE as accountabilities relevant leaders take on (it can be formal managers/leaders or natural leaders from within teams that are passionate about agility and gravitate to this). See the Scrum Guide for Leaders