What Is a Streaming Database?

A streaming database is a type of database that is designed specifically to process large amounts of real-time streaming data. Unlike traditional databases, which store data in batches before processing, a streaming database processes data as soon as it is generated, allowing for real-time insights and analysis. Unlike traditional stream processing engines that do not persist data, a streaming database can store data and respond to user data access requests. Streaming databases are ideal for latency-critical applications such as real-time analytics, fraud detection, network monitoring, and the Internet of Things (IoT) and can simplify the technology stack.

Brief History

The concept of a streaming database was first introduced in academia in 2002. A group of researchers from Brown, Brandeis, and MIT pointed out the demand for managing data streams inside databases and built the first streaming database, Aurora. A few years later, the technology was adopted by large enterprises. The top three database vendors, Oracle, IBM, and Microsoft, consecutively launched their stream processing solutions known as Oracle CQL, IBM System S, and Microsoft SQLServer StreamInsight. Instead of developing a streaming database from scratch, these vendors have directly integrated stream processing functionality into their existing databases.