Installing McAfee

I just bought McAfee for a year, but I get this error at the beginning of the installation:

"Something went wrong with the insatallation"

Any help?

Where to get Windows 10 iso


I"m trying to make a nice USB-stick, with a Windows 10 ISO file on it. But where do I get that ISO file? I'm not looking for the tool which makes your USB-stick a bootable one. I'm looking for the actual ISO file


Installing a game in Windows 11

I'm trying to install Unreal Tournament 3 in Windows 11, but I get the message "Deze app is voor uw veiligheid geblokkeerd" which means "This app is blocked for your safety". What can I do?

Compiling in MinGWI

I have MinGW installed on Windows 10. Can you help me compile something with it?

I get this

$ g++ first.cpp -o first
bash: g++: command not found

And then

$ apt-get install g++
bash: apt-get: command not found

Blocking an application

Hello. By accepting AVG as my central protection unit I let in AVG browser. I don't want this, because it agressively sets itself as my default browser. I don't want to install it from my system, though, I wan't to disable it from running in my environment. Anybody here who can tell me how to do that? Thank you

Quotation marks

Are there any standards for single/double quotation marks in all the different programming languages? What matters to me right now is Python. Should I use 'single quotation marks' or "double quotation marks" for the strings?

Thank you

Moving mouse cursor with keyboard

What I would like to do is to register a couple of shortcuts to move the mouse cursor. The cursor should jump from the one square area of the screen to the other. The question that comes to mind first is: which keys are not used (or at least not often) so they can be used for this purpose? Of course, the arrow keys stand out as good candidates.

Anybody out there who can enlighten me? Thanks

Transferring browser tabs


I've got a couple of browsers installed and I have a question about that:

Is it possible to transfer a tab from the one browser to the other? Let's say: from AVG Secure Browser to Opera?

I don't really prefer the one browser above the other. Maybe I will grow something like that.

We need browsers.

Thanks, greetings, Leon

Unable to burn DVD

Hello. I'm tring to burn an ISO to a DVD (Windows 10 installation disc). But all the burning programs tell me that somethingis wrong, for example

"Mediadetectie mislukt" which means "Media detection failed" and other programs keep the "burn" button gray.

Is there something I can do?

Linux doesn’t run

When I boot into linux (Ubuntu, I'm not sure which version, a recent one) I get this error:

Oh no! Something has gone wrong.
A problem has occurred and the system can't recover. Please contact a system administrator.

I understand that I should boot from a DVD or USB-stick. But that doesn't work so well on this machine, it's an old one. Let me say, I'm going to try all that soon.

Sending books to ereader with Calibre

I have an ereader and I'm trying to upload books to it. Therefore I use the app Calibre. But the "send to device" options all don't allow me to do so. Any users of this app here?


I must add: The device is a Kobo Glo

Unable to access external HD

I'm trying to save something on my external HD, but I get this error:

Unable to access "TOSHIBA EXT"

Not authorized to perform operation (polkit authority not available and caller is not uid 0)

I made a snapshot of the error window, but that doesn't go to well either. I would say, this is enough information to help me out. If not, we'll see later.

I use Ubuntu 20.10


Shortcut to character accents

Hello. I'm new to the whole Linux thing and I have something for a topic.

In Windows you can produce characters with accents via a shortcut. For example: " followed by e brings forth . I miss this in Linux. Somebody told me that I should ask for help writing software by myself to make this possible. That's why I opened this topic.

I'm not very experienced with programming. The only thing I ever did is creating a game. It's not even finished. I have a Github account.

I'm hoping to meet someone who gets me through this.

