DevOps Security Best Practices for Your SaaS Application

DevOps security is a set of practices that integrate security processes, people, and DevOps security tools into the development pipeline, enabling organizations to deliver software in a secure environment continuously. Whether you call it DevSecOps, network security, cyber security, DevOps and security, security compliance, or just hardening the cloud infrastructure, security is a critical component in today's dynamically changing cloud environments. This blog covers the top ten AWS DevOps security best practices. That said, these practices apply to other cloud environments as well.

Different Types of IT Security

Information technology security can be classified into the following types:

Docker Alternatives: 10 Alternatives to Docker for Your SaaS Application

Docker technology has revolutionized the infrastructure management landscape in such a way that Docker has now become a synonym for containers. It is important to understand that all dockers are containers, but all containers are not dockers. While Docker is the most commonly used container technology, there are several other alternatives to Docker. In this blog, we will explore the Docker alternatives to your SaaS application.

What Is Docker?

Docker is an application containerization platform that is quite popular in IT circles. This open-source software enables developers to easily package applications along with their dependencies, OS, libraries, and other run-time-related resources in containers and automatically deploy them on any infrastructure. With cloud-native architecture and multi-cloud environments becoming popular choices for most organizations, Docker is the most convenient choice for building, sharing, deploying, and managing containers using APIs and simple commands in these environments. 

DevOps vs. DevSecOps: The Debate

The DevOps vs. DevSecOps debate has recently been gaining more and more momentum in IT circles. However, these two concepts aren’t competitors; rather, they comprehend each other. It’s important to understand the difference between DevOps and DevSecOps to choose the right model for your software development environments. This blog addresses DevOps and DevSecOps in hopes of helping you make an informed decision.

What Is DevOps?

DevOps is a methodology that integrates development and operations teams to seamlessly coordinate and develop software applications so that each member shares the responsibility of a product throughout its lifecycle. It brings people, processes, and tools together to work as a single entity to automate release cycles, quickly respond to customer needs and deliver quality software faster and more efficiently. 

CloudFront vs. CloudFlare: Choosing the Right CDN

Content Delivery Network (CDN) is not a new technology. In fact, it has been around for many years. Every internet user, knowingly or unknowingly, uses a CDN while watching a video, reading a newspaper, or enjoying a TV show. As CDN solutions become mainstream, organizations must choose the right CDN platform to seamlessly and securely serve content to end-users. CloudFront CDN and CloudFlare CDN are two popular services available on the market. This blog delves deep into the CloudFront vs CloudFlare debate to explore the similarities, differences, and features of both solutions in order to help organizations make an informed decision.

What Is a CDN?

CDN stands for content delivery network. It’s a network of geographically distributed servers and data centers designed to deliver higher performance and high availability of internet content. Whether streaming videos, high-resolution images, JavaScript files, or HTML pages, a CDN solution facilitates a quick transfer of site assets, ensuring faster delivery of website content.

Why Use Kubernetes for Your Enterprise?

Why use Kubernetes? An important question every organization should ask. After the cloud and virtualization technologies disrupted infrastructure management in the first landscape, containerization is taking it to the next level. The advent of Docker popularized containerization. When containers run into hundreds and thousands, it becomes challenging for administrators to orchestrate container lifecycle tasks. This is where container orchestration tools come to the rescue. 

Kubernetes is a leader when it comes to container orchestration. This blog answers why using Kubernetes is essential for your enterprise and a quick introduction to Kubernetes Architecture.

Fargate vs. Lambda: The Battle of the Future

Fargate vs. Lambda has recently been a trending topic in the serverless space. Fargate and Lambda are two popular serverless computing options available within the AWS ecosystem. While both tools offer serverless computing, they differ regarding use cases, operational boundaries, runtime resource allocations, price, and performance. This blog aims to take a deeper look into the Fargate vs. Lambda battle.

What Is AWS Fargate?

AWS Fargate is a serverless computing engine offered by Amazon that enables you to efficiently manage containers without the hassles of provisioning servers and the underlying infrastructure. When cluster capacity management, infrastructure management, patching, and provisioning resource tasks are removed, you can finally focus on delivering faster and better quality applications. AWS Fargate works with Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), supporting a range of container use cases such as machine learning applications, microservices architecture apps, on-premise app migration to the cloud, and batch processing tasks.

DevOps Automation Tools for SaaS Companies

As DevOps has become mainstream now, it is time for businesses to stop thinking about what DevOps is and start leveraging the amazing benefits offered by DevOps automation tools.

DevOps is a methodology that integrates development and operations teams to seamlessly collaborate throughout the product development lifecycle. While it started with Dev and Ops, the functionality is not limited to these two departments anymore. Based on your project requirements and niche, you can create cross-functional teams composed of members from development, design, testing, QA, security, business, etc. DevOps not only transforms business operations but also brings a culture change across the organization.