ETL, ELT, and Reverse ETL

This is an article from DZone's 2022 Data Pipelines Trend Report.

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ETL (extract, transform, load) has been a standard approach to data integration for many years. But the rise of cloud computing and the need to integrate self-service data has led to the development of new methodologies such as ELT (extract, load, transform) and reverse ETL

Developing Your Criteria for Choosing APM Tool Providers

This is an article from DZone's 2021 Application Performance Management Trend Report.

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Selecting an application performance management (APM) solution can be a big undertaking as many factors must be considered. Each available tool delivers different feature sets; some tools only provide a view into particular layers of your stack but not complete visibility. 

AI and BI Projects Get Bogged Down With Data Preparation Tasks

IBM is reporting that data quality challenges are a top reason why organizations are reassessing (or ending) artificial-intelligence (AI) and business intelligence (BI) projects.

Arvind Krishna, IBM’s senior vice president of cloud and cognitive software, stated in a recent interview with the Wall Street Journal, “about 80% of the work with an AI project is collecting and preparing data. Some companies are not prepared for the cost and work associated with that going in. And you say: ‘Hey, wait a moment, where’s the AI? I’m not getting the benefit.’ And you kind of bail on it.” [1]

Data Quality Testing Skills Needed For Data Integration Projects

The impulse to cut project costs is often strong, especially in the final delivery phase of data integration and data migration projects. At this late phase of the project, a common mistake is to delegate testing responsibilities to resources with limited business and data testing skills.

Data integrations are at the core of data warehousing, data migration, data synchronization, and data consolidation projects. 

Identifying Data Warehouse Quality Issues During Staging and Loads to the DWH

This is the fourth blog in a series on Identifying Data Integrity Issues at Every DWH Phase.

Before looking into data quality problems during data staging, we need to know how the ETL system handles data rejections, substitutions, cleansing, and enrichment. To ensure success in testing data quality, include as many data scenarios as possible. Typically, data quality rules are defined during design. For example:

BI Testing: Identifying Quality Issues During the DWH Design Phase

Decisions in today's organizations have become increasingly data-driven and real-time, so the systems that support business decisions must be of exceptional quality. People sometimes confuse testing data warehouses that produce business intelligence (BI) reports with backend or database testing or with testing the BI reports themselves. Data warehouse testing is much more complex and diverse. Nearly everything in BI applications involves the data that "drives" intelligent decision making.

Data integrity can be compromised at all DWH/BI phases: when data is created, integrated, moved, or transformed. However, testing of data warehouses is usually deferred until late in the cycle. If testing is shortchanged (e.g., due to schedule overruns or limited resource availability), there's a high risk that critical data integrity issues may slip through the verification efforts. Even if thorough testing is performed, it's difficult and costly to address any data integrity issues exposed by this late-cycle testing. At this phase, the cause of the error can be anything from a data quality issue stemming from when the data enters the data warehouse, to a data processing issue caused by a malfunction of the business logic along the layers of the data warehouse and its BI components. This is a painstakingly tedious task and often consumes considerable resources.