Exploring the Implementation of Graph Data in OceanBase

In the modern landscape of data management and processing, the need for sophisticated data models and methodologies that can handle complex data structures has never been more imperative. The advent of graph data, with its unique ability to represent intricate relationships naturally and intuitively, has opened up a new frontier in data analysis.

While established graph databases like Neo4j offer robust solutions for handling graph data, the idea of integrating graph data into SQL databases offers potential advantages worth exploring. SQL databases are well-regarded for their ability to handle structured data efficiently, offering robustness, reliability, and a familiar query language (SQL). In this article, I will try to explore the potential implementation of graph data and graph queries in OceanBase, an open-source distributed SQL database.

Create a Headless CMS Using OceanBase and TypeScript: A Step-By-Step Tutorial

If you're planning to start a blog or showcase your products on a website, you have two main options. You could code everything from scratch using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, creating databases and interfaces to manage your content. This, however, can be challenging if you're not a seasoned programmer. A more efficient alternative is to use a Content Management System (CMS), which provides you with the tools to manage your content and design your website effortlessly.

There are numerous CMSs available, each with its strengths. WordPress, the most popular CMS, is known for its user-friendly interface and vast plugin ecosystem. Joomla and Drupal offer more robust platforms for complex websites, though they require some technical expertise. For beginners, Squarespace and Wix are ideal for creating visually attractive websites without needing to code.

Create a Langchain Alternative From Scratch Using OceanBase

Recently, I've been exploring the world of OceanBase, a distributed relational database management system. As I navigated through its extensive documentation, I realized the magnitude of the task at hand — the sheer volume of content made it challenging to find precise information quickly and efficiently.

This experience sparked an idea. What if there was a way to simplify this process? What if we could leverage the power of AI to navigate through this vast sea of information? Thus, the concept of a document chatbot for OceanBase was born.

Use OceanBase in Node.js: Build a CRM With Sequelize and Express

Welcome to the latest episode in our series of articles designed to help you get started with OceanBase, a next-generation distributed relational database. Building on our previous guides, where we connected OceanBase to a Sveltekit app and built an e-commerce app with Flask and OceanBase, we now turn our attention to integrating OceanBase into a Node.js project using the popular Sequelize ORM and the Express server.

Sequelize is a promise-based Node ORM that supports the dialects for PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite, and of course, OceanBase. It offers a robust set of features for model querying and manipulation. Express, on the other hand, is a minimal and flexible Node web application framework that provides a powerful set of features for web and mobile applications.

Building a Headless E-Commerce App Using OceanBase and Python

Python has, in recent years, rapidly become one of the most popular languages for backend development, thanks to its flexibility and rich library support.

In this blog post, I will demonstrate how to use OceanBase in a Python project. By combining OceanBase with popular Python libraries such as FastAPI, SQLAlchemy (ORM), and Uvicorn (server), we will create a REST API that serves as the backend of a headless e-commerce application.

Build a Full Stack App With SvelteKit and OceanBase

In the previous post of our series about how to use OceanBase in solving real-world problems, I talked about how to install OceanBase on an AWS EC2 instance. Today, we're going to dive into the world of Node/JavaScript and demonstrate how to implement OceanBase in a full-stack app.

For this project, we'll be building a Todo app that allows users to create, read, update, and delete tasks. The app will utilize SvelteKit for the front end and server and OceanBase as the database.

How To Install Oceanbase on an AWS EC2 Instance

In the world of big data, distributed databases play an important role. As data generated and processed by companies grow exponentially, there is a growing need for scalable and reliable database management solutions. An increasing number of companies are already shifting to distributed databases. OceanBase, a distributed database that offers capabilities in both transactions and analytics, as well as compatibility with MySQL, is rapidly gaining traction among data-driven teams.

Developed by Ant Group, OceanBase has been the driving force behind Alibaba’s Singles Day shopping event for nine consecutive years, managing billions of dollars in transactions annually.