Introduction to Message Brokers (Part 2): ActiveMQ vs. Redis Pub/Sub

In our previous overview of the most popular messaging systems, we were talking about Apache Kafka vs. RabbitMQ. Now, let's take a look at the less powerful, but still very helpful, message brokers. We will consider the pros and cons of ActiveMQ and Redis Pub/Sub. Although these solutions aren't very suitable for processing big data, they provide a strong basis for creating small business analytics tools.

Apache ActiveMQ

Pricing: free 

Top 5 Enterprise ETL Tools

With the ever-growing amounts of data, enterprises create an increasing demand for data warehousing projects and systems for advanced analytics. ETL is their essential element. It ensures successful data integration within various databases and applications. In this ETL tools comparison, we will look at:

  1. Apache NiFi
  2. Apache StreamSets
  3. Apache Airflow
  4. AWS Data Pipeline
  5. AWS Glue

They are among the most popular ETL tools 2019. Let's compare the pros and cons to find out the best solution for your project.