A Practitioner’s Guide to Security-First Design

This is an article from DZone's 2023 Enterprise Security Trend Report.

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Today, safeguarding assets is not just a priority; it's the cornerstone of survival. The lurking threats of security breaches and data leaks loom larger than ever, carrying the potential for financial fallout, reputational ruin, legal trouble, and much more. Thus, in today's digital battleground, it's no longer sufficient to merely react to threats. Instead, organizations must proactively fortify their defenses and enter the era of security-first design — an avant-garde approach that transcends traditional security measures. Security-first design is about strategic, forward-thinking defense that transforms our vulnerabilities into invincible strengths. 

Modifying Variables Inside Lambdas

Occasionally, we will run into a situation in which we want to modify a variable inside a Lambda expression, but when we try to do so, we get a compile-time error saying: 

A variable inside Lambda must be Final or Effective Final.

Optional.orElse() Vs. Optional.orElseGet()

Learn more about programming Java Optionals

A very common misunderstanding, as well as bad usage, can prevail if you simply go by the dictionary and semantic definition of Optional.orElse() and Optional.orElseGet().

A smart man makes a mistake, learns from it, and never makes that mistake again. But a wise man finds a smart man and learns from him and how to avoid the mistake altogether.