Building a Live Code Sharing Platform With Dyte and React

Code sharing is an essential aspect of programming.

With the rise of remote work and virtual collaboration, developers need reliable tools for code sharing that offer real-time communication, video and audio conferencing, and a friendly user interface. is one such example.

But today, we're going to roll up our sleeves and build our very own code-sharing playground using Buckle up!

Dyte is a developer-friendly platform that offers powerful SDKs to build live experiences within our product. In this blog, we will walk you through the process of building a code-sharing platform with and ReactJs. Let’s start!

Step 0: Setting up the Dyte Account

Before anything, we would need to set up a Dyte account. For this, first visit and then hit Start Building. On the next page, Sign in with Google or GitHub account to get your free Dyte account. You will find your API keys under the API Keys tab on the left sidebar. Keep your API keys secure, and don’t share them with anyone.