Unlocking the Power of Streaming: Effortlessly Upload Gigabytes to AWS S3 With Node.js

Uploading massive datasets to Amazon S3 can be daunting, especially when dealing with gigabytes of information. However, a solution exists within reach. We can revolutionize this process by harnessing the streaming capabilities of a Node.js TypeScript application. Streaming enables us to transfer substantial data to AWS S3 with remarkable efficiency, all while conserving memory resources and ensuring scalability. In this article, we embark on a journey to unveil the secrets of developing a Node.js TypeScript application that seamlessly uploads gigabytes of data to AWS S3 using the magic of streaming.

Setting up the Node.js Application

Let's start by setting up a new Node.js project:

Guide To Setting up a Node.js Monorepo With Lerna

What Is Monorepo? 

A monorepo is a single repository with multiple related services, projects, and components, which different teams can use to store code for related or unrelated projects. The term monorepo comes from mono, meaning single, and repo is short for the repository.

Benefits of Monorepo

Here are some key benefits of using monorepo: