Optimizing AWS Control Tower For Multiple AWS Accounts And Teams

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One of the major benefits of optimizing Amazon Web Service is that it comes with an extensive set of tools for managing deployments and user identities. Most organizations can meticulously manage how their cloud environment is set up and how users can access different parts of that environment through AWS IAM.

However, there are times when even the most extensive IAM and other management tools just aren’t enough. For larger corporations or businesses who are scaling their cloud deployment on a higher level, setting up multiple AWS accounts—run by different teams—is often the solution.

Leveraging The New AWS Well-Architected Tool

Review and refinement are integral components of cloud computing best practices. In order to ensure a reliable and efficient cloud environment, regular reviews need to be performed at certain intervals. The goal is simple: making workloads more robust and protected while maintaining cost efficiency.

We have covered the AWS Well-Architected Framework—a complete framework for building solutions for a wide range of industries—extensively in the past. ICYMI, don’t forget to check out our blog series on the Five Pillars that help create secure and reliable cloud architecture which is optimized for operational excellence, performance efficiency, and cost. To make following these best practices easier, AWS has recently released the AWS Well-Architected Tool, making assessing your cloud infrastructure that much easier for administrators.

The First Pillar Of The AWS Well-Architected Framework: Operational Excellence

Every software system is built to serve a specific purpose and to achieve clear objectives for a business. Everything from the design of a system to the infrastructure supporting it needs to be geared towards those collective objectives. In many ways, the way a system is designed mimics how buildings are structured: integrity and functionality are two inseparable elements that make both a structure and a system perform the best way possible to realize their intention.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) serves as the perfect foundation for a well-designed system, but in order for AWS to serve its purpose as a cloud platform designed to provide the optimal cost-effective and secure environment for its customers, it needs to be well-architected.