Metrics and Logs Are Out, Distributed Tracing Is In

This post recaps my talk with Chinmay Gaikwad, the tech evangelist at Epsagon, about distributed tracing and observability for microservices architectures. Check out the transcript and video from our conversation below!

Question: Can you talk a little bit about what you do, where you come from and what's Epsagon famous for?

Speed-Review API Specifications

As the software application world moves from monolith architectures to microservices, we are also seeing a shift toward developing modular and reusable APIs. According to APIOps, reusable APIs are consumable APIs, which means they must be well-documented and compliant. The separation between the designers, builders, and consumers of an API grows larger and larger, making the API specification even more central to that API’s success.

The API spec is a contract. It is a promise that an API will function in a certain way.

Providing External Access to Istio Services With Kong

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where all your service mesh services are running in Kubernetes, and now you need to expose them to the outside world securely and reliably?

Ingress management is essential for your configuration and operations when exposing services outside of a cluster. You need to take care of the authentication, observability, encryption, and integration with other third-party vendors alongside other policies.

Services Don’t Have to Be Eight-9s Reliable [Video]

Viktor: You are known in the observability community and SRE community very well. I’ve followed your work for a while during my time at Confluent, so I’m super excited to speak with you. Can you please tell us a little bit about yourself? Like what do you do? And what are you up to these days?

Liz: Sure. So I’ve worked as a site reliability engineer for roughly 15 years, and I took this interesting pivot about five years ago. I switched from being a site reliability engineer on individual teams like Google Flights or Google Cloud Load Balancer to advocating for the wider SRE community. It turns out that there are more people outside of Google practicing SRE than there are inside of Google practicing SRE.