Building a Simple Front-End for Your ArangoDB Datasource

A major pain point around building apps is designing the UI elements. Fortunately, with Appsmith, you create a custom frontend in minutes. Connecting datasources with Appsmith takes a few minutes, and you can easily build tools on top of the database of your choice. For example, you can build admin panels to manage product catalogs, read content data from your database and use that to populate your e-commerce website, and then write more data and update your existing orders in the database. The possibilities are countless.

In this blog, I will teach you how to build a frontend that can connect to ArangoDB as a datasource.

How I Built My Own Stock Index Tracker With Time-Series Data Using Low Code

I recently started investing and came across a product called Smallcase. The way it works is — experts create a diversified long-term portfolio of stocks and ETFs and manage it on a timely basis for you. I really love the idea of how stocks can be added into portfolios or baskets to reduce market volatility. Unfortunately, at the moment, this product is only available for Indian investors and that led me to create an app, where I could create a portfolio, and also create a custom index on top of it, with features to compare benchmarked indices like Dow Jones / S and P.

Building this kind of application from scratch would have taken me a lot of time; I would have had to choose a front-end framework, configure a database, and work on different visualizing frameworks to build time-series charts. With Appsmith, I was able to build this app in just a few hours. If you don’t already know, Appsmith is an open-source low code framework to build internal apps. In this blog, I will take you through the steps I followed to create the app.

Using the Notion API to Build a Content Management System

At Appsmith, we use Notion to manage our content calendar. We also work with a few external agencies and freelancers for some of our content. It is impossible to create granular access control and develop a workflow on Notion to run the process smoothly and thus, as soon as Notion released their API, we decided to build an application that helps us manage our entire content management in one place while giving our collaborators the necessary access only.

Our application uses our Notion (mock) Table as a data source and lets you plant, submit, and edit articles on the application, while at the same time having a provision for integrating with an email service of your choice (we use SendGrid here) to send reminder emails or updates to people in the project.