That’s How You Can Use MapStruct With Lombok in Your Spring Boot Application

Hi! My name is Viacheslav Aksenov, and I am a senior software developer. Most often, I have to write code using Java and Kotlin. I have accumulated many examples of how to simplify boilerplate code using simple but effective libraries.


When you implement services of any size, you often need to move data from one structure to another. Often this is the same data that is used on different layers of logic — in business logic, at the database level, or at the controller level for transfer to front-end applications.

Kotlin Spring Boot Web-Service Integration With Database

The purpose of the article: analysis of the structure of a web service on Kotlin, consideration of ways to integrate with a database using the example of a CRUD service.

Currently, services in the form of a web application are especially common. And it's hard to imagine some kind of web application that does not store data in any way. Databases are the most common way to store data today.

The Most Popular Technologies for Java Microservices Right Now

My name is Viacheslav Aksenov, I am a backend developer and in recent years I have been writing web applications in Java/Kotlin. Throughout my practice, I have met with various systems both in production and in pet projects. Some systems had their own "bicycles," but most were based on very similar technical solutions.

The main idea of this article is to describe the main technical challenges facing modern web applications. And also list those frameworks and libraries that are most often used to solve these problems. We'll grab some infrastructure as a bonus.