What Is Quality Assurance? A Getting Started Guide

The Quality Assurance process involves establishing standards, guidelines, and procedures to ensure the integrity of the software product or service throughout its development and to prevent quality issues. The purpose of software Quality Assurance is to ensure that a product meets the quality requirements. As a preventive process, it aims to provide a quality environment for the software product being developed by establishing correct methodology and standards.

Regardless of what industry it is, the success of a business entirely depends on the quality of its product. If the product quality is compromised, customer satisfaction and sales decline. Here, the role of Quality Assurance in ensuring the success of a business lies in maintaining the desired level of product quality. Quality Assurance measures enable businesses to enhance customer satisfaction, boost sales, and build a positive brand image.

Test Approach Tutorial: A Comprehensive Guide With Examples and Best Practices

A test approach involves a clear grasp of the fundamental testing principles, objectives, and a clear test strategy. The starting point usually identifies the types of testing a project would require. This includes acceptance, integration, system, unit testing, and so on.

As we know, testing is one of the most critical aspects of the Software Development Life Cycle. It goes without saying, but the final software product has to meet set quality standards. So, to achieve this goal, it's vital to have a well-thought-out, defined, and fully-structured testing approach.

How to Debug Websites Using Safari Developer Tools

Safari is the default browser on iPads, Macbooks, and iPhones. It lies second on browser preferences, right after Chrome. Its 250+ features offer users striking benefits that set it apart from other most popular browsers like Chrome and Firefox. Building on that, iPhone’s popularity has resulted in a global smartphone market share of 53.6% for Safari.

Last year, Apple’s number of active devices witnessed a significant increase to 1.5 billion. Since the user base keeps rising, Apple constantly ensures a near-perfect user experience and optimized performance across all its devices.

21 Best Ruby Testing Frameworks for 2023

QAs are always searching for the best automation testing frameworks that provide rich features with simple syntax, better compatibility, and faster execution. If you choose to use Ruby in conjunction with Selenium for web testing, it may be necessary to search for Ruby-based testing frameworks for web application testing.

Ruby testing frameworks offer a wide range of features, such as support for behavior-driven development, mocking and stubbing, and test suite organization, making it easier for developers to write effective tests for their Ruby-based applications.

11 Best CSS Frameworks To Look Forward In 2020

For any front end developer, there are two major concerns. The first one is time & efficiency and the other is browser compatibility testing issues. To address both concerns, it’s important to adopt a web design methodology that helps one save time and improve efficiency besides enhancing user experience. Speaking of which, CSS proves to be a win-win for both users and web designers.

Cascading Style Sheets or simply CSS are web design tools that separate document content from document presentation. This results in a dramatic decrease in the file transfer size. Once you apply a change to the site’s CSS style sheet, it can automatically reflect on all the pages alike. CSS offers great design consistency and offers a wide array of formatting options.

Best Automated Cross-Browser Testing Tools

What is your favorite browser testing tool?

In this fast-paced software market, companies need to deliver products not just with quality but also at a rapid speed. If you are not providing the product according to customer requirements, then you might end up losing your reputation in the market. With the involvement of Agile practices, it has become highly crucial for organizations to meet the standards of software or web development.

One thing that is more important than a faster delivery of products is the browser compatibility of your business site that visitors use to see your products. If the web app isn’t compatible with the browser standards that people use to access your site, then they might not revisit your site.

The Ultimate Website Testing Checklist Before Going Live

Website testing.

We know the excitement when it comes to launching your first web site. After working hard on the stunning design, user interface, and engaging content, you cannot wait to share it with the audience. Are you sure your website is completely ready to launch? Aren’t you missing anything in it?

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Most individuals often make their site live in a hurry without checking some essential factors, and later on, receive negative feedback from the users. It’s necessary to understand that launching a website is critical, as you can easily miss out on essential steps.