AI and Rules for Agile Microservices in Minutes

Here's how to use AI and API Logic Server to create complete running systems in minutes:

  1. Use ChatGPT for Schema Automation: create a database schema from natural language.
  2. Use Open Source API Logic Server: create working software with one command.
    • App Automation: a multi-page, multi-table admin app.
    • API Automation: A JSON: API, crud for each table, with filtering, sorting, optimistic locking, and pagination. 
  3. Customize the project with your IDE:
    • Logic Automation using rules: declare spreadsheet-like rules in Python for multi-table derivations and constraints - 40X more concise than code.
    • Use Python and standard libraries (Flask, SQLAlchemy) and debug in your IDE.
  4. Iterate your project:
    • Revise your database design and logic.
    • Integrate with B2B partners and internal systems.

Instant App Backends With API and Logic Automation

I saw career advice recommending against front-end development — "you're dependent on backend APIs — they're always late, putting front-end dev under severe pressure." Sad, but it's a story I hear often. The problem is that framework-based API development is slow and complex.

I also hear snide remarks that "if you don't like the answer from UI #1, try UI #2."  It's because the logic is often not shared in the server but replicated on UI controllers.

Automated Application Integration With Flask, Kakfa, and API Logic Server

This tutorial illustrates B2B push-style application integration with APIs and internal integration with messages. We have the following Use Cases:

  • Ad Hoc Requests for information (Sales, Accounting) that cannot be anticipated in advance.
  • Two Transaction Sources: A) internal Order Entry UI, and B) B2B partner OrderB2B API.

The Northwind API Logic Server provides APIs and logic for both transaction sources:

Instant Microservices: Rules for Logic and Security

In this article, see how to build a complete database system, in minutes instead of weeks or months:

  1. An API, and, we'll add UI and logic to make it a microservice
  2. Logic and security: Multi-table constraints and derivations, and role-based security
  3. An Admin app: And finally, a multi-page, multi-table web app

We'll use API Logic Server (open source), providing: