Building an Async Survey Tool With Dyte and React

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, gathering valuable insights from your audience is crucial for making informed decisions. Traditional surveys have limitations, often causing respondents to drop out due to lengthy forms or slow-loading pages. This is where async survey tools come to the rescue. These innovative tools leverage asynchronous communication to create a more engaging and efficient survey-taking experience. In this blog post, we'll explore the world of async survey tools, shedding light on what they are and why you should consider building one.

Why Build an Async Survey Tool?

Asynchronous survey tools offer a refreshing data collection approach, revolutionizing how we interact with respondents. Here are some compelling reasons why you should consider embarking on the journey of building your very own async survey tool:

Getting Started With Web Components Using Stencil

Web components (or Custom Elements) are a set of standardized APIs that allow you to create reusable and encapsulated components for the web. Custom elements allow you to define your own HTML elements and their behavior using JavaScript. This means you can create your own custom elements like <my-element> and define their behavior using JavaScript.

It has been around for quite some time now, but it hasn’t gained notable traction in the frontend world as most are still quite unfamiliar with it, although it’s being widely used in top websites such as YouTube, GitHub, and many more.